Saturday, June 18, 2005

Relativistic Time

Relativistic Time is a neat concept. Start by thinking of Time as forming a one dimensional plate or a two dimensional picture frame or if you prefer a three dimensional box. You also have a bag of black marbles that have an unique set of properties. The black marbles are called Gravitons. They cannot be compressed , have no electrical charge, can’t be seen, don’t reflect light and don’t vibrate. They can’t be detected by any known method. You only know they are present because of their influence on other particles. These Gravitons have the ability to attract other particles but not themselves. This attraction is about 1/e^(137) or 3.17436E-60 / Graviton. The Gravitons also have a repulsive force that repels other Gravitons. This repulsive force between Gravitons is about (1/e^(137)) / Pi or 1.01043E-60. The Gravitons also have the ability to travel across dimensions. Depending on your choice, pour the Gravitons from the bag onto the 1 dimensional plate, inside the 2 dimensional picture frame or into the 3 dimensional box. You will see that they will space themselves equally apart on the 1 dimensional plate and in vertical layers in the 2 dimensional picture frame and in a lattice in a 3 dimensional box. The Graviton’s attractive force for other particles forms the equivalent of Time Field Gravity and their repulsive force forms the equivalent of Time Field Force. The Gravitons form Lorentz’s Aether. Einstein says that the faster the object travels the more it changes into pure energy until it disappears. Time has zero dimensions. Here’s how Relativistic Time works. The velocity of the object disturbs the arrangement of the Gravitons because of the creation of Waves much like a boat going up a river. The Gravitons can’t compress so they tend to cluster and increase the gravitational force on the moving object. The increase in gravitational force causes acceleration, which is independent of the object’s material or the physical state of the object. This causes the Time "frame" or Time "box" to contract thus shortening the Space that the object travels. The clustering of the Gravitons causes the Space to warp because Time is proportional to Space and the object’s trajectory starts to bend. The clustering of the Gravitons slows down the object but since the Time "frame" or Time "box" is narrower it causes the observer to think the object is moving at the same velocity. If we take the speed of light at a constant 186,000 mph. for example, and if we agree that velocity = light speed X Time we will see that as light speed is constant, velocity is constant. Time is a variable since Time is contracting , Space is contracting because Time is proportional to Space. It then follows that light speed has to slow so the velocity of light is constant. Therefore Time is relativistic.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Thank you for your kind (and encouraging) words... I hope you are right...