Friday, June 15, 2007


You and I come into this world with nothing. From that point forward whatever knowledge / experience we gain is based on trust. Everything in this world is based on trust. You trust that if you drank water yesterday that the water you drink today won't have changed its' mind and become something else. Similarly if you have read words in a book, those words haven’t got tired of their meaning and become another definition over night through boredom and ennui. Similarly in relationships, you trust what you feel and see is real and not illusion. Of course, my friends, sometimes illusion in relationships is a hell of a lot more fun than reality. Now, I, for practical purposes, having learned about trust / lies / openness the hard way have all my charming and fascinating lady friends on a Broadsheet so I can keep the trust up / the reality real and avoid all unpleasant discussions about trust and commitment. Now where in the hell is Alice?????? Oh by the way, if anyone named Alice actually reads this stuff, I’m just kidding and you’re the only one that means anything to me. Honest, hope to die if you ever leave me etc.…….


shyloh's poetry said...

You nut...

Alex said...

Thanks for your kind comment!!!!! Someone inspired me on "trust". Can’t remember exactly what she said but she looked gorgeous, posted somewhere that she was enigmatic and wasn’t going to reveal her heart / feelings so I knew she justtttt had to be right!!!!!!