Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quantum Slits, Quantum Information & Schrodinger's Cat

Suppose we have a quantum photon whose electron volt value is 632 electron volts. The quantum photon can be represented by a ball of string. It's surrounding electromagnetic wave can be represented by curved strings. This ball of string ( photon ) with its' surrounding waves ( curved strings ) represent a quantum electron particle and its' waves create an electromagnetic field. The surrounding electromagnetic field has a value of 11 ( add the digits in 632 ( 6 + 3 + 2 = 11 ). The electromagnetic field ( value = 11 )will radiate out forever in a circle from the photon unless something interferes with its' path. If you put a single vertical slit in a barrier, you will find that the electromagnetic field ( value 11 ) shows the most light behind the slit and dimmer light to the side since the electromagnetic wave starts to radiate outward after it leaves the back of the slit.

If you add more slits beside the first one, you will see bright bars and dark bars where no light seems to hit at all. The electromagnetic wave ( value 11 ) went through all the slits and it started to radiate outward after it left the slits. Unfortunately, the radiating wave from each of the slits either interfered with other slits or reinforced other slits. Thus you either got light ( reinforcement ) or dark bands ( interference ).

The fun starts after you decide to measure the electromagnetic field behind some slits as the electromagnetic field comes through all the slits. The problem arises over how you intend to do it. In our universe we have to use energy in some form to measure something. This energy usually comes in the form of a particle ( electrons or photons ). If the electromagnetic field is strong enough the use of electrons or photons or anything else, usually doesn't prevent ( or significantly corrupt ) our measurement. If we try to measure something in the quantum world, our added measurement energy changes the electromagnetic field we are trying to measure. In this case, our measurement destroys the electromagnetic field coming through some slits and we get a series of one slit results ( shows the most light behind the non-interfered slit and dimmer light through the interfered with slit since the electromagnetic wave starts to radiate outward after it leaves the back of the non-interfered slit ).

Most things in our universe is either yes or no. One choice out of 2 possibilities ( either yes or no ). One choice out of two possibilities is ( ½ ) . There is a third choice, which I like to think of as an unknown result ( one choice out of 3 possibilities ( 1/3rd ). So poor old Schrodinger’s cat goes into the old box. After awhile, the old cat is either alive or dead or maybe somewhere in between or not there at all. Anyway there is a third unknown ( can't guess ) possibility. In our universe, we don't know until we look. If Schrodinger's cat has shrunk into a quantum state, we'll never know for sure, because we can't measure without destroying the state of the electromagnetic field containing the information surrounding the cat.

The most interesting part is that if there are many possibilities contained in the third possibility ( sort of all things to all people ) then we can extract different possibilities ( information ) from the same electromagnetic field. Of course, what is right and what is wrong, is the question. It is sort of like a crowd of people coming to different conclusions after seeing the same thing in our world .

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