Tuesday, November 15, 2005

When It’s Love

When it's love it just doesn't much matter how you twist and turn, what you say, act out, or try to convince others, it "Just Is" and will forever "BE".


shyloh's poetry said...

Aweee when one is in love the mask comes off. I think it shows on the face when it "just is"

shyloh's poetry said...

Alex seems my top post decisions disappeared. It is in the control panal but won't post again. That is odd. Maybe it will show back up later.

Jane said...

inspiration perhaps?

yes, love always seems to be there too, even when it's gone there is just a flash a moment, how can it not be?

shyloh's poetry said...

Sometimes I really wonder if I love enough? Can one love another enough? I am not sure. It should not be something one has to work at. It should come natural. Seems why it fails so often is because one tries to hard. Then that mask is put on again.To pretend to be something one is not...

Just prattling.