Friday, August 24, 2012

Quantum Theory Of Relative Time

In our real world, everything has to do with space. Space has three dimensions which are x, y, z. Things happen in our world and in order to locate those things that happen beyond their location in space ( x, y, z ) we add time ( t ). If I'm to meet you for lunch at a restaurant I need to know the time ( t ) along with the location. We can travel through space, but we can't travel through time, except in our imagination. We can travel through our past using our memory and we can imagine our future. Time in our world is used as a marker which we see in clocks or as a time location in 3 dimensional space. Our real world is essentially about space-time or space and time since we can move through space in all directions at any time. Our movement through space has a maximum velocity which is 186, 000 miles / second or 300,000 km / second. Since the maximum velocity is a constant ( c ), both space and time adjust themselves if we travel in space and time. At the speeds that you and I can move, it appears that space and time are always constant, but space and time adjust themselves even for our ultra low speeds. Time slows down and space contracts which makes it seem that we have acceleration and velocity. If someone observes us that isn't part of our space-time it appears to them that the faster we go the more we slow down. To you and I that are running or accelerating it seems we're going faster because our space is shrinking and our time is running slower. This is Einstein's Theory Of Relativity which is solely dependent on the observer. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space is like time in our real world. Space only exists as a marker. There isn't any travel through space in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there similar to our thinking of time as a marker being in our past, present or future. Time in the quantum world involves the past, present and future. Quantum time shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time. This process is called superposition and is equivalent to our being able to go anywhere at any time under all conditions in our real world of space. Another concept in the quantum world is superlocation. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location. This is somewhat equivalent in the real word to being able to build something like a house at the same ( x, y, z ) location using different materials. Travel in the quantum world is done through three processes. One is the accumulation of enough energy to jump to the next orbit which is seen when electrons jump from a lower orbit to a higher orbit. If the electron loses energy, it jumps to a lower orbit and releases energy. Since travel through space in the quantum world doesn't exist, energy is released in the form of a single line spectrum. The second process is called entanglement, because the quantum world can't move through physical space because physical space doesn't exist . If I have a quantum particle here and another particle over there, I can entangle my particle with the other particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time. The states of the quantum particles refer to their properties. The possibilities mean that the quantum particles can exist in the past, present and future all at the same time which are the three stages of time. The particle information means that all information exists about the particle at the same time in the past, present and future but this information is dependent on the observer. The third process of quantum world travel is through the observer and his / her interaction with the particle's information. This process is equivalent to Einstein's Theory Of Relativity in our real world which essentially depends on the observer and his / her interpretation of what he / she sees and the reality that is created.

This is the story of Alice, Bob and Victor and their relative quantum realities in the quantum world.

  1. Alice has a quantum particle which is in Alice's present because the quantum particle is with Alice who is in Alice's time present.

  2. Alice entangles her present quantum particle with another quantum particle. Alice's action of entangling her present quantum particle is a future time action which means Alice's other quantum particle is in Alice's future.

  3. Alice's future entangled quantum particle is given to Victor. From Victor's relative quantum perspective Alice's future quantum particle was given to Victor in Victor's relative time present. From Alice's relative quantum time Alice's action took place in her relative time future. As far as this quantum particle is concerned it exists in Alice's quantum time future and Victor's quantum time present all in the quantum relative time.

  4. Alice's original quantum particle is now in Alice's quantum time past.

Bob goes through the same procedure and the same quantum realities as Alice and gives his entangled particle to Victor. Both Bob's and Alice's original quantum particles are now in Alice and Bob's respective quantum time pasts. Bob and Alice's entangled quantum particles being held by Victor are in Victor's relative time present. So far so good. We have Bob and Alice's original quantum particles in the past and they are the cause. If Victor, who has Alice and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles in Victor's quantum time present, measures Alice's and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles without causing entanglement again, Alice and Bob's original quantum particles don't change while in Alice and Bob's relative time past thereby altering Alice and Bob's relative quantum past history. If Victor, who has Alice and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles in the present, measures Alice's and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles causing entanglement, Alice and Bob's original quantum particles change while in Alice and Bob's relative quantum time past thereby adulterating Alice and Bob's quantum time past history. Thus the cause in the quantum time present world has created an effect in the past and thereby altered quantum time past history. In our real world, which is space centered the cause always precedes the effect. The cause in our space centered real world if in the past has an effect on the present and future. If the cause is in the present the effect is in the future. In a quantum world which is time centered, cause in the present can alter effect which is in the past.

In Summary:

  1. In Einstein's Theory of Relativity velocity has a maximum value which is a constant.

  2. In the Quantum Theory of Relative Time velocity is infinite or non-existent.

  3. In Einstein's Theory of Relativity space is a variable.

  4. In the Quantum Theory of Relative Time space is a location, benign and constant similar to time in our real world.

  5. In Einstein's Theory of Relativity time is a variable.

  6. In the Quantum Theory of Relative Time, time is a constant existing in the past, present and future at the same time or all at once in the past, present or future.

Einstein's Theory of Relativity is a special case of the Quantum Theory of Relative Time. Gravity, velocity and acceleration in our real world is the curvature of space and its' flexing after energy is added. In the quantum world gravity is time simultaneously being in the past, present or future.

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