Sunday, June 10, 2012

Entanglement, Superposition, Superlocation and Relativistic Time

In our real world, we have physical space and time. We travel through physical space to get from here to there. If I'm to meet you at a coffee shop, we both have to add time to the physical location of the coffee ship ( x, y, z ) in three dimensions. Fortunately, the passage of time as measured by a clock is constant, so there isn't any real difference between your and my time in our real world. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space only exists as a marker in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. If we can't physically travel through space to get from A to B because physical space in the quantum world doesn't exist, then how does travel work in the quantum world ??? The quantum world works on entanglement, superlocation, and superposition in addition to relativistic time. Relativistic time means that a quantum particle exists in the past, present and future all at the same time. Quantum particles, as balls of quantum energy, show all the states, possibilities and information at the same time in the past, present and future. This process is called superposition and is equivalent to our being able to go anywhere at any time under all conditions in our real world of space. Another concept in the quantum world is something I call superlocation. Since space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location in the past, present and future. Travel in the quantum world is done through a process called entanglement, because the quantum world can't move through physical space because physical space doesn't exist . If I have a quantum particle here and another particle over there, I can entangle my particle with the other particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time. This process of entanglement of two quantum particles also involves quantum time acting relativistically in the past, present and future. Time from a relativistic viewpoint means that if I do something in the quantum world, I also do it in the present, past and future. As soon as I finish doing something in the relativistic present time, that something moves into the past and future time. If I do a process on something in the present and it takes time to do, than that process moves into the past and future time. This relativistic movement of time, is equivalent to moving things into different locations in a space-time world.

In summary:

  1. Superposition shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time of a quantum particle. This means that all the states, possibilities and information are simultaneously in the past, present and future.

  2. Superlocation means that more than one quantum particle can exist in the same superlocation in the past, present and future because space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world.

  3. Entanglement – Since space doesn't physical exist in the quantum world, the process of entanglement allows the quantum particle to travel to superlocations in the past, present and future. If I have a quantum particle here and another particle over there, I can entangle my particle with the other particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time. These entanglemented quantum particles are in the past, present and future at the same time.

Here's how the relativistic movement of time works, but it gets confusing.

  1. Alice has a quantum particle which is in quantum past, present and future time due to quantum superposition, superlocation and entanglement.

  2. Alice entangles her quantum particle in her quantum present time with another quantum particle that is also in her present quantum time. The new entangled present quantum time particle also exists in the past, present and future due to superposition , superlocation and entanglement.

  3. Alice's future entangled particle is given to Victor. Relativistically speaking, the entangled particle is in the present as far as Victor is concerned because he received the entangled particle in his quantum time now. It may still be in the future from Alice's relativistically perspective in relativistic time. From a relativistic viewpoint the quantum particle is in Alice's quantum time future and also in Victor's quantum time present.
Therefore in the quantum world you have:

Relativistic time which means the same quantum particle can be in someone's past, present, future at the same time it's in someone else's past, present, future. 

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