Saturday, July 28, 2012

God Rolls The Dice

Our real world is primarily a location in space with time as a marker. For instance, I may say to you that I'll meet you at ----- ( location ( x, y, z )) at a time, say 3:00 pm.. My meeting you is in the future. Maybe we'll meet or not meet depending on the circumstances that occur in your and my space. Our meeting is in the future and is a probable prediction. Other future probable predictions involve percentages. A meteorologist from his experience and models may say that it is probable that it will be 33 % sunny and 67% cloudy. Whether he or she is right or not depends on his or her subjective experience, models and a coming together of all the factors in space at a time. The quantum world is somewhat different. In our real world, we have physical travel through space. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space only exists as a marker in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world the past, present and future doesn't exist as we understand them. Time in the quantum world has the same function as space does in our real world. Time in our space – time world represents the past, present and future but we can't literally travel to the past and future except in our imagination and memory. The past, present and future in the quantum world is managed by the processes of entanglement, superlocation, and superposition. Quantum time means that a quantum particle exists in the past, present and future all at the same time at the same location and we can travel to the past, present and future. Superposition shows all the states or properties, possibilities and information at the same time in the past, present and future in the same location. Superlocation means that the past, present and future can exist at the same physical location because physical space doesn't exist in the quantum world except in the abstract. Since physical space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location in the past, present and future. In other words, this means that the past, present and future all co-exist at the same time at the same spot or location in the quantum world. The existence of superlocation and superposition means that everything that is knowledge ( states or properties, possibilities and information ) exists at one superlocation all at once in the past, present and future. Possibility in our real world is called probability, Statistics is the science of probability in the real world and we calculate the probability of this and that happening all the time. Probability in the quantum world is called possibility. Possibility in the quantum world is represented by all the possible waves since space doesn't exist in the travel through physical space of the real world. Waves in our real world can interfere with one another, creating troughs and peaks. These wave interferences, troughs and peaks represent possibilities from the past, present and future of something at one location in the quantum world. Let's look at Schroedinger's cat. Usually Schroedinger's cat in the quantum world is considered to be alive and dead at the same time. There is a third possibility in that Schroedinger's cat is between being alive or dead which is moribund. The moribund condition is technically and subtly neither alive nor dead but is ½ way in between going in one direction or the other. God has rolled the dice in the quantum world. He / She has given us three choices concerning Schroedinger's cat. It is alive ( 1 ), dead ( 0 ) or moribund ( ½ ) . We make a random choice or bet on God's roll of the dice, by opening the box and eyeballing Schroedinger's cat. Our action adds energy in the form of photons to the box by opening and viewing it. This action causes Schroedinger's cat's past, present or future to be chosen which is basically our random action in quantum time but God's throw of the dice. Similarly, in the real world we may bet on someone's roll of the dice by putting our marker on a number, color or number and color combination. From the quantum world, Schroedinger's cat's past, present or future has become part of my and your's present in our real space-time based world.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Quantum Mass, Gravity, & Velocity

In our real world, we have physical space and time. We travel through physical space to get from here to there. If I'm to meet you at a coffee shop, we both have to add time to the physical location of the coffee shop ( x, y, z ) in three dimensions. This means that I will meet you at the coffee shop at the physical location of ( x, y, z ) at time ( t ). Fortunately, the passage of time as measured by a clock is constant, so there isn't any real difference between your and my time in our real world. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space only exists as a marker in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world the past, present and future doesn't exist as we understand them. Time in the quantum world has the same function as space does in our real world. Quantum time, like time in our real world, represents the past, present and future. The past, present and future in the quantum world is managed by the processes of entanglement, superlocation, and superposition. Quantum time means that a quantum particle exists in the past, present and future all at the same time at the same location. Superposition shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time in the past, present and future in the same location. Superlocation means that the past, present and future can exist at the same physical location because physical space doesn't exist in the quantum world except in the abstract. Since physical space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location in the past, present and future. In other words, this means that the past, present and future all co-exist at the same time at the same spot or location in the quantum world. The existence of superlocation and superposition means that everything that is knowledge ( states, possibilities and information ) exists at one superlocation all at once in the past, present and future. Travel in the quantum world is done through a process called entanglement or time jumps because the quantum world can't travel through physical space because travel through physical space doesn't exist . If I have a past, present and future quantum particle here and another past, present and future quantum particle over there, I can entangle my past, present, future quantum particle with the other past, present, future quantum particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time in the same past, present, future. This process of entanglement of two quantum particles also involves quantum time acting relativistically in the past, present and future. Time from a relativistic viewpoint means that if I do something in the quantum world, I also do it in the present, past and future at the same time because travel through physical space doesn't exist. The Higgs boson exists as a particle with a field in the past, present and future in the quantum world. The center of all particles with fields in the quantum world is time itself which exists in the past, present, and future along with the quantum particle. Quantum particles travel in the quantum world in a series of time jumps since travel through space in the quantum world doesn't physically exist. This time quantum jumping creates a wave at a certain frequency in the quantum particle's field which we see as the quantum particle's velocity. The common frequency between the quantum particle and quantum field can be measured in energy volts as quantum particles and quantum particles only exist as clouds. The Higgs boson forms a universal quantum soup which is equivalent to a universal Higgs quantum field. All the other quantum particles exist in this quantum soup and if those quantum particles react or entangle with the Higgs quantum soup field then they have mass. Since quantum time exists in the past, present and future, quantum particles, if they react to the Higgs boson's quantum soup field, always have mass. If they don't react with the Higgs boson's quantum soup field they are massless. The same principle applies to gravitons which create gravity. A graviton's quantum soup field causes a quantum particle to have stickiness which we see as gravity in our real world.

In summary:

  1. Time quantum jumping creates velocity.

  2. The Higgs' particle's quantum soup field creates mass.

  3. The graviton's quantum soup field creates stickiness which we see as gravity.

Friday, July 13, 2012

God Throws Dice With Our Help

Our real world is primarily a location in space with time as a marker. For instance, I may say to you that I'll meet you at ----- ( location ( x, y, z )) at a time, say ( t. ). My meeting you is in the future. Maybe we'll meet or not meet depending on the circumstances that occur in your and my space. Our meeting is in the future and is a probable prediction. Other future probable predictions involve percentages. A meteorologist from his experience and models may say that it is probable that it will be 33 % sunny and 67% cloudy. Whether he or she is right or not depends on his or her subjective experience, models and a coming together of all the factors in space at a time. The quantum world is somewhat different. It is built on energy and time. Travel through space doesn't exist physically in the quantum world in the sense that you have to travel through it to get from A to B. You may describe things in the quantum world as being here or over there but that's as far as it goes. The quantum world shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time in the past present and future. Another concept in the quantum world is something I call superlocation. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location. Travel in the quantum world is done through a process called entanglement or time jumping because the quantum world doesn't have travel through space because travel through physical space doesn't exist . If I have a quantum particle here and another particle over there, I can entangle my particle with the other particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time in the past present and future. This process of entanglement of two quantum particles also involves quantum time being in the present, past, and future and moving between the present, future and past depending on what's going on. Let's go back to Schroedinger's cat. Schroedinger's cat is in his / her famously closed box. Since the quantum world runs on all states, possibilities and information at the same time in the past, present and future all states, possibilities and information about Schroedinger's cat exist about it in the quantum world. Basically, Schroedinger's cat is alive, dead or somewhere in between all at the same time in the past, present and future.

Those all at the same time states, possibilities and information in the past, present and future are:

  1. Yes -1 -Alive.

  2. No – 0 – Dead

  3. Maybe – ½ – randomness – ½ way between alive or dead ( moribund ). 

     This is the concept of randomness in the quantum world because you don't know whether Schroedinger's cat is on its' way to life or to death

As the quantum world runs solely on energy, and our sight runs on energy photons, our sight's energy photons will disturb the balance of energy photons in Schroedinger's cat's box showing the various states, possibilities and information in the past, present or future. Our sight's protons will cause a time jump to occur from a quantum world to our space – time world.

This is what happens:

  1. Schroedinger's cat's box is opened.

  2. It contains all the cat's possible states, possibilities and information in the past, present and future ( alive, dead, moribund ).

  3. Our eyeballing disturbs the cat's boxes' photons causing an arbitrary random choice to be made which time jumps that arbitrary random choice into our space-time world.

The universe always offers you three choices, one of which is problematical. If it's in our real world of space, we call it probability. A calculated probability in our real world of space may or may not happen. This probability occurring in the real world of space can be corrected over time which is simply a marker in our real world of space. In the quantum world we have superposition which shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time in the past, present or future. If we try to extract the choice we want from the quantum world, our efforts are random because when we add energy to the quantum world which runs on energy we may change the result we're trying to extract. From a different perspective, since we don't know what the specific result is before we see it, then the specific result of our eyeballing it generates an arbitrary random outcome which may or may not be what we've hoped would happen. One could say that God throws the dice, but we trigger the outcome. Bad random choices in the quantum world could lead to bad random happenings in our space This is why bad random things sometimes happen to good people.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Three Revolutions

The first revolution was hunting / agricultural. The accent was on food production and most of the people lived on the farms or the large farming estates of the landowners. The surrounding towns and cities were centers of trade, where you could buy and sell. Transportation was by either horse, stagecoach or horse and wagon. The distance you could travel without preparing to go on a trip was the distance a horse could travel which was about 25 miles if you expected to be back home in 24 hours. The basic source of energy in the agricultural world was fire which was used for cooking, heating and the making of tools. Communication was by personal contact or delivered letter or newspaper by horseback, sailing vessel or through the post office. The next revolution was the industrial revolution. The connection of agricultural fire to the heating of water in an iron or steel vessel from which useful work could be performed or otherwise called the steam engine was the basis of the industrial revolution. The first steam engine was large and bulky and could only be used in industrial plants. As the steam engine became smaller wheels were added and the steam locomotive was born. Small steam engines were added to marine vessels which traveled faster than the old sailing vessels. People could now travel further and in greater comfort, so they went further. Other engines were developed that ran on different fuels so you got cars, trucks, and airplanes. Machinery was developed and built which lead to manufactured products. These products required sales to be made which meant customers had to be found in far off places. People moved to the towns and cities because the industrial centers offered steady work at a higher pay than could be earned on the farms. Initially there were no safety nets in the industrial world, but as soon as it was realized that industrial production required a stable workforce unions, medical plans and other industrial supports were developed. The industrial revolution required improved methods so you saw the development of telephones, radios, and electrical appliances. Most of us living now are still experiencing the industrial revolution which has largely matured. The final revolution is the software revolution. Software is the material from which we construct all the electronic tools, entertainment and artificial intelligence. In the days of the agricultural revolution it was plants including trees which we modified genetically to create new plants and trees for beauty and construction. If you're a gardener or work with wood you will know what I mean. The industrial revolution required that everything be concentrated in one location. This meant the concentration of people in cities around factories and transportation hubs such as railways, highways and airports. Plant genetics in the agricultural age was converted to metallurgy which is the modification of found and man made materials for construction and aesthetics in the industrial age. Machines, the assembly line and standardized production in the industrial age freed up time for personal pursuits compared to the agricultural age which required almost 100% of the time to be devoted to food production in order to survive. The earliest form of software was mathematics. Mathematics allowed you to calculate results before building. An example of this type of mathematics was in kitchen design where a bad measurement can cause you grief and ongoing frustration. The next development in mathematics was the invention of formulas and methods of manipulation. The manipulation of mathematical formulas lead to insight into nuclear energy and the design of the universe as seen through the work of Einstein. Another form of early software was language. Language is used for communication, ideas and emotions. Most people's software is in the form of language when compared to mathematics which is difficult to understand in depth unless your brain is wired in that direction. Software in the industrial age is also in the form of gears, levers, springs and motors which permit a machine to consistently and constantly perform a function. A watch is an example of this phenomena. Software has now evolved into a series of predominately linear instructions in a module or frame which is coupled to a standardized machine such as a computer which has outputs to devices such as printers or more esoteric devices.. An example of early software involving linear instructions is the common cooking recipe. Initially software was completely linear but now it has been developed into modules. Modules are like building bricks that can be arranged in any form, design or use for building and aesthetic construction. Software combined with wireless communication has allowed people to move away from concentrated environments such as cities and workplaces. Software has freed up even more time, which has lead to multitasking. Instant this and that have caused social and business changes. The global village has become all the earth and artificial demarcations such as nations, cities, cultures and controls are starting to melt away. If nations or businesses can't compete intellectually or economically, people can go elsewhere in the electronic environment. New social mores are being developed because sometimes we don't have the advantage of visual communication clues. Hence the development of emotion cons and capitals to emphasize emotion and moods. Since we don't have to be physically present, virtual reality with avatars are being used for virtual meetings to give formally absent visual clues so our lack of manners won't ruin careers. Biologically speaking, organisms over the eons have adapted themselves to changing environments in order to survive. Perhaps our brains will start to rewire for multitasking and the intellectual thinking challenges of the new software age. All I know is that we are on the edge of something exciting and thought provoking.  

Sunday, July 01, 2012

An Alternate Explanation Of The Double Slit Experiment

In our real world, we have physical space and time. If we cut two slits in a wall and throw balls through those slits, you will see that the balls will hit a wall which is directly behind those slits. If the balls have ink on them, you will see that the balls create a vertical line directly behind the slits ( 1 1 ) which has a space in between the two vertical lines. The balls have been thrown through space which has ( x, y, z ) dimensions. Nothing particularly mysterious here. At each time ( t ) you can plot the position of each thrown ball as it travels through space to the slits. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space only exists as a marker in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world the past, present and future doesn't exist as we understand them. Time in the quantum world has the same function as space does in our real world. Quantum time, like time in our real world, represents the past, present and future. The past, present and future in the quantum world is managed by the processes of entanglement, superlocation, and superposition. Quantum time means that a quantum particle can exist in the past, present and future all at the same time at the same location. Superposition shows all of particle's states, possibilities and information including the past, present and future in the same location. Superlocation means that the past, present and future can exist at the same physical location because physical space doesn't exist in the quantum world except in the abstract. Since travel through physical space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing, possibility and information can exist at the same spot or location in the past, present and future. In other words, this means that the past, present and future can all co-exist at the same time at the same spot or location in the quantum world. The existence of superlocation and superposition means that everything that is knowledge ( states, possibilities and information ) exists at one superlocation all at once in the past, present and future. Travel in the quantum world is usually done passively through a process called entanglement, because in the quantum world something can't move through physical space because physical space doesn't exist . This means that if a quantum particle is actively shot towards slits in a wall, the quantum particle's path in not by travel through space since travel through space in a quantum world doesn't physically exist. This is the reason photon's appear as quantized energy or quantized bundles of energy. The quantum particle travels in a series of quantum jumps much like a sine wave. This sine wave creates a quantum wave which travels with the quantum particle. In addition, the quantum particle's past, present and future travel towards the wall slits at the same time because the quantum particle's past, present, and future are at the same superlocation. The quantum particle jumps through the slits along with its' field and past, present and future since the slit in quantum terms is a blank not travel through space with nothing in it. The single quantum particle still shows its' interference pattern because the quantum particle's past, present and future is traveling with it. If a detector is placed at the slit it flips the quantum particle into our real time and space ( space-time ) world where only the particle's present position is shown and not the interference pattern from the quantum particle's past, present and future.