Sunday, July 01, 2012

An Alternate Explanation Of The Double Slit Experiment

In our real world, we have physical space and time. If we cut two slits in a wall and throw balls through those slits, you will see that the balls will hit a wall which is directly behind those slits. If the balls have ink on them, you will see that the balls create a vertical line directly behind the slits ( 1 1 ) which has a space in between the two vertical lines. The balls have been thrown through space which has ( x, y, z ) dimensions. Nothing particularly mysterious here. At each time ( t ) you can plot the position of each thrown ball as it travels through space to the slits. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space only exists as a marker in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world the past, present and future doesn't exist as we understand them. Time in the quantum world has the same function as space does in our real world. Quantum time, like time in our real world, represents the past, present and future. The past, present and future in the quantum world is managed by the processes of entanglement, superlocation, and superposition. Quantum time means that a quantum particle can exist in the past, present and future all at the same time at the same location. Superposition shows all of particle's states, possibilities and information including the past, present and future in the same location. Superlocation means that the past, present and future can exist at the same physical location because physical space doesn't exist in the quantum world except in the abstract. Since travel through physical space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing, possibility and information can exist at the same spot or location in the past, present and future. In other words, this means that the past, present and future can all co-exist at the same time at the same spot or location in the quantum world. The existence of superlocation and superposition means that everything that is knowledge ( states, possibilities and information ) exists at one superlocation all at once in the past, present and future. Travel in the quantum world is usually done passively through a process called entanglement, because in the quantum world something can't move through physical space because physical space doesn't exist . This means that if a quantum particle is actively shot towards slits in a wall, the quantum particle's path in not by travel through space since travel through space in a quantum world doesn't physically exist. This is the reason photon's appear as quantized energy or quantized bundles of energy. The quantum particle travels in a series of quantum jumps much like a sine wave. This sine wave creates a quantum wave which travels with the quantum particle. In addition, the quantum particle's past, present and future travel towards the wall slits at the same time because the quantum particle's past, present, and future are at the same superlocation. The quantum particle jumps through the slits along with its' field and past, present and future since the slit in quantum terms is a blank not travel through space with nothing in it. The single quantum particle still shows its' interference pattern because the quantum particle's past, present and future is traveling with it. If a detector is placed at the slit it flips the quantum particle into our real time and space ( space-time ) world where only the particle's present position is shown and not the interference pattern from the quantum particle's past, present and future.

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