Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Reimann Hypothesis Imaginary Math

The Riemann zeta function states all non-trivial zeros have a real part equal to ( ½ ) . When you think about it, this statement is rather profound . In our real world mathematics a zero is either a placeholder in a number ( 301 ) or has a value of zero ( 0 ) . Riemann didn't say so but as soon as these zeros ( 0 ) crossed the line ( y = ½ ) that zero had a value of ( ½ ) . Riemann went on to extend the original equation into the imaginary plane and that meant that zero ( 0 ) had a value of ( ½ + it ) on the line ( y = ½ + it ) where.”i” is imaginary and “t” is real . Riemann's unspoken thought suggests that there is undiscovered mathematics .

When you think about this statement zero can have a value of :

  1. zero ( 0 )
  2. ½
  3. ( ½ + it )

Riemann took the original equation into the complex plane which is represented by “i” . Since zero is a single digit, the undiscovered mathematics seems to indicate that if the digits in a number are added they can be placed on a line that has a single value. Since Riemann took the original equation into the complex plane, this means that zero ( 0 ) can have a single value that is part real and part imaginary . For instance if the digits in the number ( 47 ) are added ( 4 + 7 = 11 ) and ( 1 + 1= 2 ) , then ( 47 ) is on the line ( y = 2 ) . ( 47 ) can also be on the line ( y = 11 ) because ( 4 + 7 = 11 ) . Zero ( 0 ) doesn't have a “real” digit so it can't be on a line that has a “real” meaning ( y = 0 ) . Zero ( 0 ) in the numerical system seems to be equivalent to “i” in the symbolic mathematical system, except that zero can have any value whereas “i” is limited to √ - 1 . The Riemann Hypothesis has something to do with primes . A prime is a number that can only be divided evenly by itself and one ( 1 ) . A prime number has the digits ( 1, 3, 7, 9 ) in column ( 0 ) which is the far right column . The single digit primes are ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 ) . Primes with more than one digit are on the lines ( 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 ) . The number of primes are infinite . The ordinary numbers that aren't primes are also infinite .That being said, Riemann developed a formula for the number of primes less than a number . The “number” was defined as the sum of the zeros ( 0 ) in the zeta function. Riemann had taken the original equation into the complex plane which meant that the value of the zero ( 0 ) was now ( ½ + it ) on the line ( y = ½ + it ) . The formula said that the magnitude of the oscillations of the primes around their expected position is controlled by the real parts of the zeta function . If the zeros are on the line ( y = ½ + it ) , their value is ( ½ + it ) which means ( it ) has to have a “real” value. If ( it ) is real you add up the numbers obtaining a real number . Lastly , the error term in the prime number theorem is closely related to the position of the zeros . When you think about the statement “ the “number” was defined as the sum of the zeros ( 0 ) on the zeta function “ it really doesn't matter because the number of primes are always less than any other number. The first prime numbers are ( 1, 2, 3 ) . Their positions are ( 1, 2, 3 ) . The error term in the prime number theorem is closely related to the position of the zeros . If you multiply the primes ( 1, 2, 3 ) by 100% you get the prime's positions ( 1, 2, 3 ) . If you multiply the primes ( 1, 2, 3 ) by 10% you obtain ( .1, .2, .3 ) for the position of the primes . You dropped one ( 1 ) zero and your calculation was out. Therefore the error term in the prime number theorem is closely related to the position of the zeros. The single digit primes are ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 ) . Prime number 5 is in the fourth ( 4th ) position . If you multiply prime 5 by .8 you get 4 . The number ( .8 ) is obtained by adding using the zeta function . Prime number 7 is in the fifth position ( 5th ) . If you multiply 7 X .714285714 you get 5. This term is obtained by adding the zeta function . If you add zeros to .714285714 or put zeros somewhere within .714285714 ( for instance .7140285714 ) you will soon see that the error term in the prime number theorem is closely related to the position of the zeros .

Friday, November 16, 2012

Our Real World & The Quantum World Compared

Space and Time exist in our real world as well as in the quantum world . Space in our real world has ( x, y, z ) dimensions. Time in the quantum world has past , present, future . Time in our real world is used as a marker representing the past, present and future but you can't physically travel through or along it in all directions . Velocity or speed measures distance or space traveled in units of time which are essentially a marker , marking out distance. Acceleration or increase in speed measures increasing distance or space in units of time which are essentially a marker, marking out increases in distance traveled . Space in the quantum world is used as a marker in all directions but you can't literally travel through it . Gravity in our real world is used to anchor things in space by bending strings of space. Strings of space are usually bent around masses such as the earth, thereby creating gravity which we see as weight. Gravity in the quantum world is essentially past, present and future time anchored in one place because travel through space doesn't exist . Since travel through space doesn't exist in the quantum world, travel is managed by the processes of entanglement, superlocation, and superposition. Superposition shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time in the past, present and future in the same location. Superlocation means that the past, present and future can exist at the same physical location because travel through physical space doesn't exist in the quantum world. Since travel through physical space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location in the past, present and future. This is quantum gravity as it relates to quantum time . In other words, this means that the past, present and future all co-exist at the same time at the same spot or location in the quantum world. The existence of superlocation and superposition means that everything that is knowledge ( states, possibilities and information ) exists at one superlocation all at once in the past, present and future. Travel in the quantum world is done through a process called entanglement, because the quantum world can't move through physical space because travel through physical space doesn't exist . If I have a past, present and future quantum particle here and another past, present and future quantum particle over there, I can entangle my past, present, future quantum particle with the other past, present, future quantum particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time in the same past, present, future. This process of entanglement of two quantum particles also involves quantum time acting relativistically in the past, present and future. Time from a relativistic viewpoint means that if I do something in the quantum world, I also do it in the present, past and future at the same time because travel through physical space doesn't exist. Paradoxically, if someone comes along and chooses my quantum past, my quantum past becomes his / her quantum present because he / she chose it in his / her quantum present. This also means that he / she can relativistically travel through quantum relativistic time into someone else's past and future. If he / she altered my quantum past / present / future, his / her quantum past / present / future would also be altered because he / she and I are relativistically linked in relativistic time. This means that someone cannot realistically travel through relativistic quantum time to destroy his / her grandfather without wiping out his / her relativistic existence. The final mind blower is that someone's quantum present can alter my quantum past so in essence someone's present “cause” interrupted my past effect, which means that in the quantum world effect can precede cause.    

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Weird Riemann Hypothesis

Sometimes in life, you stumble across something that holds more meaning than first meets the eye. Meeting your future husband or wife for the first time and not realizing it is a good example. Mathematically, Dirac's equation is probably the most famous something. Dirac had the ability to visualize an equation in terms of geometry . Dirac came up with an equation that was more insightful than he first realized which you can look up in the Internet . Riemann's something was when it was realized that his zeta function said that the magnitude of the oscillations of primes around their expected position is controlled by the real parts of the zeros of the zeta function . You and I can read the words but what is the meaning without repeating the sentence as an answer ????

Numbers basically break down into the following three areas:

  1. Rational
  2. Imaginary
  3. Irrational
    Rational Numbers have a beginning and an end. Examples of rational numbers are ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) . Imaginary numbers are numbers such as the square root of ( - 1 ) ( -1 ) . Irrational numbers have a beginning but no end, and seem to go on forever. Examples of Irrational numbers are Pi, “e” or Euler's number . It suddenly occurred to me that when it was realized that Riemann's zeta function said that the magnitude of the oscillations of primes around their expected position is controlled by the real parts of the zeros they were really talking about irrational numbers except that these irrational numbers were governed by zeros in the digits of the number . If you put all the prime numbers on a straight line and numbered them, you'd know their location on that straight line . Of course this is impossible . If Riemann's zeta function said that the magnitude of the oscillations of primes around their expected position is controlled by the real parts of the zeros there is an implication that an irrational number controlled by the placement of zeros ( 0 ) in the digits when multiplied by the prime number would indicate the true position of the prime on that line and by extension all the primes that preceded it . If you multiply a number by an irrational number that has a beginning and no end you will soon see that you get different answers. Riemann also said that all his non-trivial zeros had a value of ( ½ ) which seems odd when you think about it . How can a zero have the value of ( ½ ) ???? Exercising our imagination, which seems to be as temporarily irrational as is our theme, it seems that every time a zero is on Riemann's line ( y = ½ ), it has the value of ½ . If you are also looking for a major brain freeze, you can also say that if all the primes are placed on the line ( y = ½ ) from 1 to infinity they also have the value of ( ½ ) . Weird as it may seem, we are busy finding non-trivial zeros on the line ( y = ½ ) that have a value of ( ½ ) because they are on the line ( y = ½ ) . Consequently, we now have primes and zeros on the line ( y = ½ ) which all have the value of ( y = ½ ) because they are on the line ( y = ½ ) . A prime is a number that can only be divided by itself and one ( 1 ). The position of the primes from ( 1 to 31 ) can be calculated by multiplying the primes ( 1 to 31 ) by ( .509999999 ^ 1). From ( 37 to 97 ) the primes can be multiplied by ( .509999999 ^ 2 ) to keep the calculated distance close to the actual distance. This is how it works in principle by manipulating zeros ( 0 ) and the addition or subtraction of two irrational numbers Pi and “e” .

Sunday, November 04, 2012

For Every Zero Crossing Riemann's Line ( y = ½ )

Sometimes in life, you stumble across something that holds more meaning than first meets the eye. Meeting your future husband or wife for the first time and not realizing it is a good example. Mathematically, Dirac's equation is probably the most famous something. Dirac had the ability to visualize an equation in terms of geometry . Dirac came up with an equation that was more insightful than he first realized which you can look up in the Internet . Riemann's something was when it was realized that his zeta function said that the magnitude of the oscillations of primes around their expected position is controlled by the real parts of the zeros of the zeta function . You and I can read the words but what is the meaning without repeating the sentence as an answer ????  

Mathematics basically breaks down into the following three areas:

  1. Numbers.
  2. Symbols.
  3. Lengths
    Numbers can represent anything. Symbols such as x or y are usually equal to something which is up to you to discover. These symbols may be in a formula expressing relationships which are familiar to anyone that has ever studied algebra. These relationships in algebra are generally a static value as only one numerical answer is needed. Lengths are usually the distance from the beginning of something. An example of this concept is the measurement of a board before you cut it with a saw. The Riemann Hypothesis also hints at the concept of length as it relates to the number of primes. A prime is a number that can only be divided evenly by itself and one ( 1 ) . The five ( 5 ) single digit prime numbers are ( 1. 2, 3, 5, 7 ) . Riemann came up with the formula ( s = ½ + it ) that related to another formula. Without filling in the background, the Riemann Hypothesis implies that if the zeros consistently cross the line ( y = ½ ) in relation to the formula ( s = ½ + it ) then these zeros have something to do with the distribution of primes. There is an implicit idea here that every crossing of a zero on the line ( y = ½ ) is related to the position of a corresponding prime from the beginning of the line ( y = ½ ) to the end of the line ( y= ½ ) at infinity. Theoretically, if the values of Riemann's formula were chosen correctly, the calculation of the zeros crossing the line would give you the distance of a known prime from the beginning of ( y = ½ ) . This means that if the location of the zero crossing the line ( y = ½ ) were accurate that location would correspond with the position of a prime on the line ( y = ½ ) . Riemann's formula is really a disguised calculus problem using zeros ( 0 ) to adjust the placement of a prime on the line ( y = ½ ) . In other words, if you adjust the zero in a mathematical expression how close can you get the relevant known prime to its' actual position on the line ( y = ½ ) ???? This position calculation would give you the number of primes from the beginning of the line ( y = ½ ) . My previous blogs on this topic will give you an idea as to how the calculation is done. Calculus, using symbols, is the study of the change in the length of a formula containing symbols that change in length. One of these symbols is ( c ) which represents a constant ( whole number ) which never changes. The accepted length of a constant ( c ) in calculus ( d (c)) is zero ( 0 ) but that isn't correct because Riemann's intuition told him that the zeros which are also a constant had a real value of ( ½ ) on his line ( y = ½ ) consisting of primes. The actual length of any ordinary constant is the sum of its' digits. 47 would have a length of 11 or 2 ( 4 + 7 = 11 ) or ( 1 + 1 = 2 ). 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Riemann Hypothesis Solved Using Calculus Limits

Mathematics basically breaks down into the following three concepts:

  1. Numbers.
  2. Symbols.
  3. Lengths
    The symbols such as x or y are usually equal to something which is up to you to discover. These symbols may be in a formula expressing relationships which are familiar to anyone that has ever studied algebra. These relationships in algebra are generally a static value as only one numerical answer is needed. Calculus was the next major step. Calculus is the study of limits which involve fractions. Limits are concerned with how close you can get to something I call a brick wall ( limit ) without actually touching it. How close is actually the calculation of length before you hit the wall or limit. Here you are dealing with fractions. Calculus, using symbols, is the study of the change in the length of a formula containing symbols that change in length. If you have symbols in a formula, what happens to the formula when that symbol or symbols change in length ???? To make life simpler, the initial formula is simplified to lessen the potential confusion. In any language, as in mathematics, there are many ways to express an idea .
    Riemann expressed his idea using the following formulas:

Riemann said that the “s” in the above equation was ( s = ½ + it ). The “i” in it represented an imaginary number and the “t” represented a real number. He also said that all his non – trivial zeros lie on the line ( y = ½ ) . Innumerable calculations up to the present time have proven that Riemann's conjecture is true but there also may be an exception yet to be discovered. The Riemann Hypothesis also implies that if the zeros consistently cross the line ( y = ½ ) then these zeros have something to do with the distribution of primes. There is an implicit idea here that every crossing of zeros on the line ( y = ½ ) is related to the position of a relative prime beginning at the beginning of the line ( y = ½ ) and the end of the line ( y= ½ ) at infinity. Theoretically, if the values of Riemann's formula were chosen correctly the
calculation of the zeros crossing the line in terms of distance of an unknown prime from the beginning of ( y = ½ ) would be accurate. The only variable in the equation is in the one ( s = ½ + it ) or ( it ). Riemann's formula is really a disguised calculus problem using zeros ( 0 ) to adjust the placement of a prime on the line ( y = ½ ) . In other words, if you adjust the zero in a mathematical expression how close can you get the relevant unknown prime to its' actual position on the line ( y = ½ ) ???? The Riemann function backs up this concept by saying that the magnitude of the oscillations of primes around their expected position is controlled by the real parts of the zeros of the zeta function. In particular the amount of error is closely related to the position of the zeros . This means that the unknown value of ( it ) has adjustable zeros as well as a real number which is used to fine tune the position or location of a particular prime on the line ( y = ½ ) . Primes are numbers that can only be divided evenly by themselves and one ( 1 ). The single digit prime numbers are 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 . If you draw a straight line and put some or all the primes on it, you will soon see that there isn't a standard distance between the primes. You can also count the primes from the beginning of the line but there isn't any way of accurately saying how many primes precede a prime without counting all the primes from the beginning up to that particular prime. Let's assume that the non-trivial zeros lie on the line ( y = ½ ) . For the sake of convenience we can also put all the primes from one ( 1 ) to infinity on the line ( y = ½ ) and indicate their position on the line ( y = ½ ) from the beginning of the line ( y = ½ ) . The single digit primes are five ( 5 ) in number consisting of 1, 2, 3,. 5, 7. If you arbitrarily multiply the primes by ( ½ ) you will soon see that your answer has usually very little relationship to the primes true position on the line ( y = ½ ) . In other words, by multiplying by ( ½ ) you will soon see that if all the numbers are written down from zero ( 0 ) to infinity that ( ½ ) of them aren't primes. The Riemann Hypothesis also implies that if the zeros consistently cross the line ( y = ½ ) then these zeros have something to do with the distribution of primes. If the zeros consistently cross the line ( y = ½ ) than these zeros ( 0 ) can be used in the calculation . We now have the value of the line ( ½ ) plus the zeros to use in some way to see if we can calculate the position of the primes on the line ( y = ½ ) from the beginning. Multiplying by ( ½ ) or ( .5 ) or ( .50 ) doesn't change your original answer. Using ( .05 ) also doesn't improve things to any great extent. Riemann also said that the zeros can be manipulated ( positions changed or zeros added ) in order to get the primes closer to their true location. This manipulation changes the physical distance between the primes. To accomplish this manipulation, place some digits after the zero ( 0 ) in ( .50 ) such as forming ( .509999 ) . Therefore:

  1. 5 X ( .509999 ) = 2.549995 (4)
  2. 7 X ( .509999 ) = 3.569993 ( 5 )
3. 11 X ( .509999 ) = 5.609989 ( 6 )

This basic principle calculates the position of the primes fairly accurately up to prime 31.

Using the same multipliers on the next prime ( 37 ) we get ( 37 X .509999 = 18.869963. Prime ( 37 ) is actually the 13th prime. Riemann said that the zeros can be manipulated ( positions changed or zeros added ). We still need the ( ½ ) in Riemann's line ( y = ½ ) and the ( 9's ). If we take ( .509999 ) and multiply it by itself ( ( .509999 X .509999 = .26009898 ).

  1. ( 37 X .509999 X ,509999 = 9.62366226 ( 13 )

This calculation shows that the calculated position is short of the true position by about ( 13 – 9.62366226 = 3.37633774 ). The difference is approximately equal to Pi ( 3.141592654 ). In some calculations the difference is about the natural number ( e ) ( 2.71828`828 ).

In summary, Riemann's intuition told him that the zeros had a real value of ( ½ ) which was true since the digit ( ½ ) is used in the calculation. Riemann's intuition also told him that the zeros can be manipulated ( position changed or zeros added ) which is also true. This manipulation of zeros ( 0 ) is really using the principles of limits in calculus to see how close you can find a factor when multiplied by a prime that will give you the position of that prime on the line ( y = ½ ). What Riemann missed was that the calculation involved the number 9 and that Pi ( 3.141592654 ) and the natural number ( e ) ( 2.718281828 ) might have to be added or subtracted from the final answer. Riemann also missed that powers would also have to be used.

In general for calculating the location of any prime you:

  1. Count the number of digits in a prime number. For instance 7919 has 4 digits. Subtract 1 from the number of digits ( 4 - 1 = 3 ) for 7919. Form another number equal to the number of digits in 7919 ( 4 ) by putting ( .5 ) in the far left column and 9 in the far right column. ( .5—9 ). Fill the middle with Riemann Hypothesis zeros ( 0 ) forming a four digit number ( .5009 ). Raise ( .5009 ) to the power of 3 ( which is the number of digits in 7919 ( 4 ) minus 1 ( 4 - 1 = 3 ). ( .5009 ) ^ 3 = .125676215. Multiply 7919 X .125676215 which equals 995.2299524. 7919 is the 1000th prime. The answer is out by approximately 5. Adjust the error by adding or subtracting Pi or (e).

The Clay Mathematics Institute is offering a $1,000,000 prize for the solution to the Riemann Hypothesis. From my reading, it seems to involve proving whether or not all the zeros lie on the line ( y = ½ ) . Since I have shown how the Riemann Hypothesis relates to the location of the primes and by extension how many primes precede that prime ( counting 1, 2, 3, 4 ), it seems to me it is largely academic as to whether all the zeros lie on the line ( y = ½ ) . I've also proved that the manipulation of the zeros as implied by Riemann can bring a prime closer to its' position using the principles of Calculus.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Universe & The Heisenberg Principle

I got to thinking about the universe and Heisenberg . If I mentioned the number 56, all you know is that it is the number 56.

The number 56 could be anything but to keep it simple we'll keep it to these three possibilities:

  1. A particle which has weight or mass.

  2. A length.

  3. A change in the length.

    Einstein said that mass and energy are equivalent. This means that 56 under ( 1 ) has both a mass and energy of 56. In our real world, we have physical space and time or in other words Einstein's space-time. Somewhere in our real world we have the number ( 56 ) at Einstein's space location ( x, y, z ) at Einstein's time ( t ). Time in Einstein's space-time world is only a marker. If we ran across a particle in our space-time world at location ( x, y, z ) at marker time ( t ) we could measure its' mass or weight. The particle could be lying still, moving at a constant velocity or accelerating. If the particle was lying still we could easily measure its' mass or weight. If the particle was moving at a constant velocity or under acceleration, we would have to stop it and measure its' mass or weight. Our stopping of the particle means that its' velocity or acceleration are lost to measurement. If the particle had a velocity or was under acceleration, we could measure the velocity or acceleration while the particle was under velocity or acceleration but we wouldn't have a clue about the particle's mass or weight. Heisenberg said we could measure mass or weight but not velocity or acceleration at the same time. This means we are certain about one ( ( mass or weight ) ) but uncertain about the other ( velocity or acceleration ). The unknown particle could have a velocity of 56 ( 2 – constant length / unit time ) or an acceleration of 56 ( 3 – change in length traveled / unit time ). The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space only exists as a marker in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. The quantum world is made up of energy-time. Their literally aren't any particles in the quantum world. What we see as particles in the space-time world are clouds in the quantum world. These concentrations of clouds can be treated as particles in the quantum world. These concentrations of clouds may or may not have mass. They may also spin up, down or at an angle. These clouds may be still at the center, yet spin on the periphery or not spin on the periphery . Sometimes the spin drags the interior part of the cloud in a circle so it rotates at different speeds returning to its' original orientation at different times. We call this phenomena different ( return to normal ) rotations ( ie: 2 ½ X ). Sometimes the entire cloud consistently spins so the rotation for everything in the cloud is consistent ( one ( 1 ) rotation ). Energy in the energy-time quantum world can travel anywhere so the concentrations of energy aren't even but are on average statistically even. Quantum time in the quantum world can be sliced into smaller and smaller parts. Since energy in the quantum world isn't distributed evenly sometimes more energy ends up in a sliced piece of quantum time than is statistically expected.
    The universe is made up of the following three layers.
    1. Einstein's space-time world or our real world.
     The dark energy- dark matter layer.
    Q The quantum world.

Time in our space-time world moves all of us outward in a forward direction. That is why we age, things deteriorate and require repair or replacement. Our space-time world sits on a world of dark matter and dark energy. This dark energy and dark matter both expands and accelerates the expansion of our universe resulting in things in our universe becoming further apart. Dark matter and dark energy are the left over debris from antimatter matter interactions.

The quantum world exists underneath the dark energy and dark matter layer. When quantum time is sliced into smaller and smaller pieces it also compresses quantum energy which may be in greater volume in that slice of time then statistically normal. If that happens we know how much we sliced time, but we don't know how much energy that slice of time contains. The energy in that slice of time, if large enough, may or may not form a particle. If the particle is formed it goes up through the dark matter and dark energy layer causing an equivalent antimatter particle to be produced. These particles annihilate themselves in our space-time world and the respective energies return to the dark matter and dark energy layer as well as to the quantum layer. This action - reaction in the quantum layer creates quantum foam or quantum fluctuation which is basically the wave action of the returning quantum energy which is equivalent to the previously produced particle . Quantum mechanics is concerned with this phenomena. If the matter – antimatter process is quick enough and the energy returned fast enough to the quantum world nothing is noticed in our real world of space-time. Space, energy and time in our real world appear to be three separate things but in the energy-time or quantum world they are all the same thing viewed differently.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Time Is Also Dark Matter & Dark Energy

Time, dark matter and dark energy are all different aspects of the same thing. We can't see time nor can we see dark matter or dark energy. Time in our real world moves horizontally outward similar to dark matter and dark energy. Time like dark energy tends to pull things apart which we see as entropy. You and I age and material things such as cars deteriorate and fall apart. Most of your and my life is spent repairing and replacing things that have reached the end of their life cycle. Everything, including you and I, through the passage of time, tend to get further and further from the beginning and closer and closer to the end. If we mark something on earth in terms of its location, we find that its' location from where you and I are located, changes because the land ( tectonic plates ) float changing their positions. Dark matter is rolled up dark energy which we see as anchoring the planets and galaxies in position and also as extra mass or weight. Rolled up dark energy or dark matter is approximately 70% of the universe which we can't see since our eyes function using photons or light. The expansion of the universe seems to be accelerating because the more it expands the faster it appears to accelerate from our perspective. The same phenomena seems to be happening to you and I. The more we age the faster psychological time travels or accelerates. Time in the quantum world tends to anchor energy and rolled up energy in place which we see as particles. There isn't any travel through space in the quantum world, so space tends to act as a location marker. Time in the quantum world involves the past, present and future. Quantum time shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time. This process is called superposition and is equivalent to our being able to go anywhere at any time under all conditions in our real world of space. Another concept in the quantum world is superlocation. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location. This is somewhat equivalent in the real word to being able to build something like a house at the same ( x, y, z ) location using different materials. Travel in the quantum world is done through three processes. One is the accumulation of enough energy to jump to the next orbit which is seen when electrons jump from a lower orbit to a higher orbit. If the electron loses energy, it jumps to a lower orbit and releases energy. Since travel through space in the quantum world doesn't exist, energy is released in the form of a single line spectrum. The second process is called entanglement, because the quantum world can't move through physical space because physical space doesn't exist . If I have a quantum particle here and another particle over there, I can entangle my particle with the other particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time. The states of the quantum particles refer to their properties. The possibilities mean that the quantum particles can exist in the past, present and future all at the same time which are the three stages of time. The particle information means that all information exists about the particle at the same time in the past, present and future but this information is dependent on the observer. The third process of quantum world travel is through the observer and his / her interaction with the particle's information. This process is equivalent to Einstein's Theory Of Relativity in our real world which essentially depends on the observer and his / her interpretation of what he / she sees and the individual reality that is created. Witnesses to a traffic accident are examples of this phenomena. We also have molecules in the quantum world. Since space only exists as a location in the quantum world and not something that has to be physically traveled through to get from here to there, the molecules exist in the form of a cloud. Quantum time binds these molecules together. Clouds of electrons orbit these molecules and it is these clouds of electrons that allow chemical reactions to take place. If these clouds of electrons accumulate sufficient energy they jump from orbit to orbit since travel through physical space doesn't exist. If the electrons lose energy, they jump to a lower orbit. The escaping energy appears as a single definite line spectrum and not smeared because physical travel through space doesn't exist. Radioactivity is the leakage of ionizing particles because the atom held together by quantum time is unstable. A nuclear explosion occurs when the quantum time holding the molecules together is broken which converts quantum time into dark energy and dark matter.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Quantum Theory Of Relative Time

In our real world, everything has to do with space. Space has three dimensions which are x, y, z. Things happen in our world and in order to locate those things that happen beyond their location in space ( x, y, z ) we add time ( t ). If I'm to meet you for lunch at a restaurant I need to know the time ( t ) along with the location. We can travel through space, but we can't travel through time, except in our imagination. We can travel through our past using our memory and we can imagine our future. Time in our world is used as a marker which we see in clocks or as a time location in 3 dimensional space. Our real world is essentially about space-time or space and time since we can move through space in all directions at any time. Our movement through space has a maximum velocity which is 186, 000 miles / second or 300,000 km / second. Since the maximum velocity is a constant ( c ), both space and time adjust themselves if we travel in space and time. At the speeds that you and I can move, it appears that space and time are always constant, but space and time adjust themselves even for our ultra low speeds. Time slows down and space contracts which makes it seem that we have acceleration and velocity. If someone observes us that isn't part of our space-time it appears to them that the faster we go the more we slow down. To you and I that are running or accelerating it seems we're going faster because our space is shrinking and our time is running slower. This is Einstein's Theory Of Relativity which is solely dependent on the observer. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space is like time in our real world. Space only exists as a marker. There isn't any travel through space in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there similar to our thinking of time as a marker being in our past, present or future. Time in the quantum world involves the past, present and future. Quantum time shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time. This process is called superposition and is equivalent to our being able to go anywhere at any time under all conditions in our real world of space. Another concept in the quantum world is superlocation. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location. This is somewhat equivalent in the real word to being able to build something like a house at the same ( x, y, z ) location using different materials. Travel in the quantum world is done through three processes. One is the accumulation of enough energy to jump to the next orbit which is seen when electrons jump from a lower orbit to a higher orbit. If the electron loses energy, it jumps to a lower orbit and releases energy. Since travel through space in the quantum world doesn't exist, energy is released in the form of a single line spectrum. The second process is called entanglement, because the quantum world can't move through physical space because physical space doesn't exist . If I have a quantum particle here and another particle over there, I can entangle my particle with the other particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time. The states of the quantum particles refer to their properties. The possibilities mean that the quantum particles can exist in the past, present and future all at the same time which are the three stages of time. The particle information means that all information exists about the particle at the same time in the past, present and future but this information is dependent on the observer. The third process of quantum world travel is through the observer and his / her interaction with the particle's information. This process is equivalent to Einstein's Theory Of Relativity in our real world which essentially depends on the observer and his / her interpretation of what he / she sees and the reality that is created.

This is the story of Alice, Bob and Victor and their relative quantum realities in the quantum world.

  1. Alice has a quantum particle which is in Alice's present because the quantum particle is with Alice who is in Alice's time present.

  2. Alice entangles her present quantum particle with another quantum particle. Alice's action of entangling her present quantum particle is a future time action which means Alice's other quantum particle is in Alice's future.

  3. Alice's future entangled quantum particle is given to Victor. From Victor's relative quantum perspective Alice's future quantum particle was given to Victor in Victor's relative time present. From Alice's relative quantum time Alice's action took place in her relative time future. As far as this quantum particle is concerned it exists in Alice's quantum time future and Victor's quantum time present all in the quantum relative time.

  4. Alice's original quantum particle is now in Alice's quantum time past.

Bob goes through the same procedure and the same quantum realities as Alice and gives his entangled particle to Victor. Both Bob's and Alice's original quantum particles are now in Alice and Bob's respective quantum time pasts. Bob and Alice's entangled quantum particles being held by Victor are in Victor's relative time present. So far so good. We have Bob and Alice's original quantum particles in the past and they are the cause. If Victor, who has Alice and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles in Victor's quantum time present, measures Alice's and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles without causing entanglement again, Alice and Bob's original quantum particles don't change while in Alice and Bob's relative time past thereby altering Alice and Bob's relative quantum past history. If Victor, who has Alice and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles in the present, measures Alice's and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles causing entanglement, Alice and Bob's original quantum particles change while in Alice and Bob's relative quantum time past thereby adulterating Alice and Bob's quantum time past history. Thus the cause in the quantum time present world has created an effect in the past and thereby altered quantum time past history. In our real world, which is space centered the cause always precedes the effect. The cause in our space centered real world if in the past has an effect on the present and future. If the cause is in the present the effect is in the future. In a quantum world which is time centered, cause in the present can alter effect which is in the past.

In Summary:

  1. In Einstein's Theory of Relativity velocity has a maximum value which is a constant.

  2. In the Quantum Theory of Relative Time velocity is infinite or non-existent.

  3. In Einstein's Theory of Relativity space is a variable.

  4. In the Quantum Theory of Relative Time space is a location, benign and constant similar to time in our real world.

  5. In Einstein's Theory of Relativity time is a variable.

  6. In the Quantum Theory of Relative Time, time is a constant existing in the past, present and future at the same time or all at once in the past, present or future.

Einstein's Theory of Relativity is a special case of the Quantum Theory of Relative Time. Gravity, velocity and acceleration in our real world is the curvature of space and its' flexing after energy is added. In the quantum world gravity is time simultaneously being in the past, present or future.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

God Rolls The Dice

Our real world is primarily a location in space with time as a marker. For instance, I may say to you that I'll meet you at ----- ( location ( x, y, z )) at a time, say 3:00 pm.. My meeting you is in the future. Maybe we'll meet or not meet depending on the circumstances that occur in your and my space. Our meeting is in the future and is a probable prediction. Other future probable predictions involve percentages. A meteorologist from his experience and models may say that it is probable that it will be 33 % sunny and 67% cloudy. Whether he or she is right or not depends on his or her subjective experience, models and a coming together of all the factors in space at a time. The quantum world is somewhat different. In our real world, we have physical travel through space. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space only exists as a marker in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world the past, present and future doesn't exist as we understand them. Time in the quantum world has the same function as space does in our real world. Time in our space – time world represents the past, present and future but we can't literally travel to the past and future except in our imagination and memory. The past, present and future in the quantum world is managed by the processes of entanglement, superlocation, and superposition. Quantum time means that a quantum particle exists in the past, present and future all at the same time at the same location and we can travel to the past, present and future. Superposition shows all the states or properties, possibilities and information at the same time in the past, present and future in the same location. Superlocation means that the past, present and future can exist at the same physical location because physical space doesn't exist in the quantum world except in the abstract. Since physical space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location in the past, present and future. In other words, this means that the past, present and future all co-exist at the same time at the same spot or location in the quantum world. The existence of superlocation and superposition means that everything that is knowledge ( states or properties, possibilities and information ) exists at one superlocation all at once in the past, present and future. Possibility in our real world is called probability, Statistics is the science of probability in the real world and we calculate the probability of this and that happening all the time. Probability in the quantum world is called possibility. Possibility in the quantum world is represented by all the possible waves since space doesn't exist in the travel through physical space of the real world. Waves in our real world can interfere with one another, creating troughs and peaks. These wave interferences, troughs and peaks represent possibilities from the past, present and future of something at one location in the quantum world. Let's look at Schroedinger's cat. Usually Schroedinger's cat in the quantum world is considered to be alive and dead at the same time. There is a third possibility in that Schroedinger's cat is between being alive or dead which is moribund. The moribund condition is technically and subtly neither alive nor dead but is ½ way in between going in one direction or the other. God has rolled the dice in the quantum world. He / She has given us three choices concerning Schroedinger's cat. It is alive ( 1 ), dead ( 0 ) or moribund ( ½ ) . We make a random choice or bet on God's roll of the dice, by opening the box and eyeballing Schroedinger's cat. Our action adds energy in the form of photons to the box by opening and viewing it. This action causes Schroedinger's cat's past, present or future to be chosen which is basically our random action in quantum time but God's throw of the dice. Similarly, in the real world we may bet on someone's roll of the dice by putting our marker on a number, color or number and color combination. From the quantum world, Schroedinger's cat's past, present or future has become part of my and your's present in our real space-time based world.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Quantum Mass, Gravity, & Velocity

In our real world, we have physical space and time. We travel through physical space to get from here to there. If I'm to meet you at a coffee shop, we both have to add time to the physical location of the coffee shop ( x, y, z ) in three dimensions. This means that I will meet you at the coffee shop at the physical location of ( x, y, z ) at time ( t ). Fortunately, the passage of time as measured by a clock is constant, so there isn't any real difference between your and my time in our real world. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space only exists as a marker in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world the past, present and future doesn't exist as we understand them. Time in the quantum world has the same function as space does in our real world. Quantum time, like time in our real world, represents the past, present and future. The past, present and future in the quantum world is managed by the processes of entanglement, superlocation, and superposition. Quantum time means that a quantum particle exists in the past, present and future all at the same time at the same location. Superposition shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time in the past, present and future in the same location. Superlocation means that the past, present and future can exist at the same physical location because physical space doesn't exist in the quantum world except in the abstract. Since physical space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location in the past, present and future. In other words, this means that the past, present and future all co-exist at the same time at the same spot or location in the quantum world. The existence of superlocation and superposition means that everything that is knowledge ( states, possibilities and information ) exists at one superlocation all at once in the past, present and future. Travel in the quantum world is done through a process called entanglement or time jumps because the quantum world can't travel through physical space because travel through physical space doesn't exist . If I have a past, present and future quantum particle here and another past, present and future quantum particle over there, I can entangle my past, present, future quantum particle with the other past, present, future quantum particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time in the same past, present, future. This process of entanglement of two quantum particles also involves quantum time acting relativistically in the past, present and future. Time from a relativistic viewpoint means that if I do something in the quantum world, I also do it in the present, past and future at the same time because travel through physical space doesn't exist. The Higgs boson exists as a particle with a field in the past, present and future in the quantum world. The center of all particles with fields in the quantum world is time itself which exists in the past, present, and future along with the quantum particle. Quantum particles travel in the quantum world in a series of time jumps since travel through space in the quantum world doesn't physically exist. This time quantum jumping creates a wave at a certain frequency in the quantum particle's field which we see as the quantum particle's velocity. The common frequency between the quantum particle and quantum field can be measured in energy volts as quantum particles and quantum particles only exist as clouds. The Higgs boson forms a universal quantum soup which is equivalent to a universal Higgs quantum field. All the other quantum particles exist in this quantum soup and if those quantum particles react or entangle with the Higgs quantum soup field then they have mass. Since quantum time exists in the past, present and future, quantum particles, if they react to the Higgs boson's quantum soup field, always have mass. If they don't react with the Higgs boson's quantum soup field they are massless. The same principle applies to gravitons which create gravity. A graviton's quantum soup field causes a quantum particle to have stickiness which we see as gravity in our real world.

In summary:

  1. Time quantum jumping creates velocity.

  2. The Higgs' particle's quantum soup field creates mass.

  3. The graviton's quantum soup field creates stickiness which we see as gravity.

Friday, July 13, 2012

God Throws Dice With Our Help

Our real world is primarily a location in space with time as a marker. For instance, I may say to you that I'll meet you at ----- ( location ( x, y, z )) at a time, say ( t. ). My meeting you is in the future. Maybe we'll meet or not meet depending on the circumstances that occur in your and my space. Our meeting is in the future and is a probable prediction. Other future probable predictions involve percentages. A meteorologist from his experience and models may say that it is probable that it will be 33 % sunny and 67% cloudy. Whether he or she is right or not depends on his or her subjective experience, models and a coming together of all the factors in space at a time. The quantum world is somewhat different. It is built on energy and time. Travel through space doesn't exist physically in the quantum world in the sense that you have to travel through it to get from A to B. You may describe things in the quantum world as being here or over there but that's as far as it goes. The quantum world shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time in the past present and future. Another concept in the quantum world is something I call superlocation. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location. Travel in the quantum world is done through a process called entanglement or time jumping because the quantum world doesn't have travel through space because travel through physical space doesn't exist . If I have a quantum particle here and another particle over there, I can entangle my particle with the other particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time in the past present and future. This process of entanglement of two quantum particles also involves quantum time being in the present, past, and future and moving between the present, future and past depending on what's going on. Let's go back to Schroedinger's cat. Schroedinger's cat is in his / her famously closed box. Since the quantum world runs on all states, possibilities and information at the same time in the past, present and future all states, possibilities and information about Schroedinger's cat exist about it in the quantum world. Basically, Schroedinger's cat is alive, dead or somewhere in between all at the same time in the past, present and future.

Those all at the same time states, possibilities and information in the past, present and future are:

  1. Yes -1 -Alive.

  2. No – 0 – Dead

  3. Maybe – ½ – randomness – ½ way between alive or dead ( moribund ). 

     This is the concept of randomness in the quantum world because you don't know whether Schroedinger's cat is on its' way to life or to death

As the quantum world runs solely on energy, and our sight runs on energy photons, our sight's energy photons will disturb the balance of energy photons in Schroedinger's cat's box showing the various states, possibilities and information in the past, present or future. Our sight's protons will cause a time jump to occur from a quantum world to our space – time world.

This is what happens:

  1. Schroedinger's cat's box is opened.

  2. It contains all the cat's possible states, possibilities and information in the past, present and future ( alive, dead, moribund ).

  3. Our eyeballing disturbs the cat's boxes' photons causing an arbitrary random choice to be made which time jumps that arbitrary random choice into our space-time world.

The universe always offers you three choices, one of which is problematical. If it's in our real world of space, we call it probability. A calculated probability in our real world of space may or may not happen. This probability occurring in the real world of space can be corrected over time which is simply a marker in our real world of space. In the quantum world we have superposition which shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time in the past, present or future. If we try to extract the choice we want from the quantum world, our efforts are random because when we add energy to the quantum world which runs on energy we may change the result we're trying to extract. From a different perspective, since we don't know what the specific result is before we see it, then the specific result of our eyeballing it generates an arbitrary random outcome which may or may not be what we've hoped would happen. One could say that God throws the dice, but we trigger the outcome. Bad random choices in the quantum world could lead to bad random happenings in our space This is why bad random things sometimes happen to good people.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Three Revolutions

The first revolution was hunting / agricultural. The accent was on food production and most of the people lived on the farms or the large farming estates of the landowners. The surrounding towns and cities were centers of trade, where you could buy and sell. Transportation was by either horse, stagecoach or horse and wagon. The distance you could travel without preparing to go on a trip was the distance a horse could travel which was about 25 miles if you expected to be back home in 24 hours. The basic source of energy in the agricultural world was fire which was used for cooking, heating and the making of tools. Communication was by personal contact or delivered letter or newspaper by horseback, sailing vessel or through the post office. The next revolution was the industrial revolution. The connection of agricultural fire to the heating of water in an iron or steel vessel from which useful work could be performed or otherwise called the steam engine was the basis of the industrial revolution. The first steam engine was large and bulky and could only be used in industrial plants. As the steam engine became smaller wheels were added and the steam locomotive was born. Small steam engines were added to marine vessels which traveled faster than the old sailing vessels. People could now travel further and in greater comfort, so they went further. Other engines were developed that ran on different fuels so you got cars, trucks, and airplanes. Machinery was developed and built which lead to manufactured products. These products required sales to be made which meant customers had to be found in far off places. People moved to the towns and cities because the industrial centers offered steady work at a higher pay than could be earned on the farms. Initially there were no safety nets in the industrial world, but as soon as it was realized that industrial production required a stable workforce unions, medical plans and other industrial supports were developed. The industrial revolution required improved methods so you saw the development of telephones, radios, and electrical appliances. Most of us living now are still experiencing the industrial revolution which has largely matured. The final revolution is the software revolution. Software is the material from which we construct all the electronic tools, entertainment and artificial intelligence. In the days of the agricultural revolution it was plants including trees which we modified genetically to create new plants and trees for beauty and construction. If you're a gardener or work with wood you will know what I mean. The industrial revolution required that everything be concentrated in one location. This meant the concentration of people in cities around factories and transportation hubs such as railways, highways and airports. Plant genetics in the agricultural age was converted to metallurgy which is the modification of found and man made materials for construction and aesthetics in the industrial age. Machines, the assembly line and standardized production in the industrial age freed up time for personal pursuits compared to the agricultural age which required almost 100% of the time to be devoted to food production in order to survive. The earliest form of software was mathematics. Mathematics allowed you to calculate results before building. An example of this type of mathematics was in kitchen design where a bad measurement can cause you grief and ongoing frustration. The next development in mathematics was the invention of formulas and methods of manipulation. The manipulation of mathematical formulas lead to insight into nuclear energy and the design of the universe as seen through the work of Einstein. Another form of early software was language. Language is used for communication, ideas and emotions. Most people's software is in the form of language when compared to mathematics which is difficult to understand in depth unless your brain is wired in that direction. Software in the industrial age is also in the form of gears, levers, springs and motors which permit a machine to consistently and constantly perform a function. A watch is an example of this phenomena. Software has now evolved into a series of predominately linear instructions in a module or frame which is coupled to a standardized machine such as a computer which has outputs to devices such as printers or more esoteric devices.. An example of early software involving linear instructions is the common cooking recipe. Initially software was completely linear but now it has been developed into modules. Modules are like building bricks that can be arranged in any form, design or use for building and aesthetic construction. Software combined with wireless communication has allowed people to move away from concentrated environments such as cities and workplaces. Software has freed up even more time, which has lead to multitasking. Instant this and that have caused social and business changes. The global village has become all the earth and artificial demarcations such as nations, cities, cultures and controls are starting to melt away. If nations or businesses can't compete intellectually or economically, people can go elsewhere in the electronic environment. New social mores are being developed because sometimes we don't have the advantage of visual communication clues. Hence the development of emotion cons and capitals to emphasize emotion and moods. Since we don't have to be physically present, virtual reality with avatars are being used for virtual meetings to give formally absent visual clues so our lack of manners won't ruin careers. Biologically speaking, organisms over the eons have adapted themselves to changing environments in order to survive. Perhaps our brains will start to rewire for multitasking and the intellectual thinking challenges of the new software age. All I know is that we are on the edge of something exciting and thought provoking.  

Sunday, July 01, 2012

An Alternate Explanation Of The Double Slit Experiment

In our real world, we have physical space and time. If we cut two slits in a wall and throw balls through those slits, you will see that the balls will hit a wall which is directly behind those slits. If the balls have ink on them, you will see that the balls create a vertical line directly behind the slits ( 1 1 ) which has a space in between the two vertical lines. The balls have been thrown through space which has ( x, y, z ) dimensions. Nothing particularly mysterious here. At each time ( t ) you can plot the position of each thrown ball as it travels through space to the slits. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space only exists as a marker in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world the past, present and future doesn't exist as we understand them. Time in the quantum world has the same function as space does in our real world. Quantum time, like time in our real world, represents the past, present and future. The past, present and future in the quantum world is managed by the processes of entanglement, superlocation, and superposition. Quantum time means that a quantum particle can exist in the past, present and future all at the same time at the same location. Superposition shows all of particle's states, possibilities and information including the past, present and future in the same location. Superlocation means that the past, present and future can exist at the same physical location because physical space doesn't exist in the quantum world except in the abstract. Since travel through physical space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing, possibility and information can exist at the same spot or location in the past, present and future. In other words, this means that the past, present and future can all co-exist at the same time at the same spot or location in the quantum world. The existence of superlocation and superposition means that everything that is knowledge ( states, possibilities and information ) exists at one superlocation all at once in the past, present and future. Travel in the quantum world is usually done passively through a process called entanglement, because in the quantum world something can't move through physical space because physical space doesn't exist . This means that if a quantum particle is actively shot towards slits in a wall, the quantum particle's path in not by travel through space since travel through space in a quantum world doesn't physically exist. This is the reason photon's appear as quantized energy or quantized bundles of energy. The quantum particle travels in a series of quantum jumps much like a sine wave. This sine wave creates a quantum wave which travels with the quantum particle. In addition, the quantum particle's past, present and future travel towards the wall slits at the same time because the quantum particle's past, present, and future are at the same superlocation. The quantum particle jumps through the slits along with its' field and past, present and future since the slit in quantum terms is a blank not travel through space with nothing in it. The single quantum particle still shows its' interference pattern because the quantum particle's past, present and future is traveling with it. If a detector is placed at the slit it flips the quantum particle into our real time and space ( space-time ) world where only the particle's present position is shown and not the interference pattern from the quantum particle's past, present and future.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Schroedinger's Cat Travels In Quantum Time

Time travel seems to be all the rage at the moment. In our real world, we have physical space and time. We can travel back and forth in three dimensions in space, but only forward as far as time is concerned. We can travel into the past by remembering what happened back when, but we can't literally travel into the past. If I'm to meet you at a coffee shop, we both have to add time to the physical location of the coffee shop ( x, y, z ) in three dimensions. This means that I will meet you at the coffee shop at the physical location of ( x, y, z ) at a future time ( t ) but never at a past time. Fortunately, the passage of time as measured by a clock is constant, so there isn't any real difference between your and my time in our real world. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space only exists as a marker in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. Since travel through space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world the past, present and future doesn't exist as we understand them. Time in the quantum world has the same function as space does in our real world. Quantum time, like time in our real world, represents the past, present and future. The past, present and future in the quantum world is managed by the processes of entanglement, superlocation, and superposition. Quantum time means that a quantum particle or Schroedinger's cat exists in the past, present and future all at the same time at the same location. Superposition shows all of Schroedinger's cat's states, possibilities and information at the time in the past, present and future in the same location. Superlocation means that the past, present and future can exist at the same physical location because physical space doesn't exist in the quantum world except in the abstract. Since travel through physical space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing, possibility and information can exist at the same spot or location in the past, present and future. In other words, this means that the past, present and future can all co-exist at the same time at the same spot or location in the quantum world. The existence of superlocation and superposition means that everything that is knowledge ( states, possibilities and information ) exists at one superlocation all at once in the past, present and future. Travel in the quantum world is done through a process called entanglement, because in the quantum world something can't move through physical space because physical space doesn't exist . This means that Schroedinger's cat has to entangle his / her self with another cat in another superlocation in order to travel. Paradoxically the original cat still exists at that superlocation because that cat still has a past and a future since Schroedinger's cat has become the other cat's present. Death in the usual sense doesn't exist, because more than one thing can exist at the same superlocation in the past, present or future. Death in our real world space is different because only one thing can exist at one time in the present. Schroedinger's cat only converted the other cat's present when Schroedinger's cat entangled the other cat. The other cat still continued to have a past and a future, which means that the other cat still continued to exist in the future. Paradoxically again, the other cat's future, will become the other cat's present if something moves the other cat's future into the present. To add to the fun Schroedinger's cat's past and future is in one superlocation and his / her present is in another superlocation. Obviously, Schroedinger's cat hasn't got it all together. In addition a happening in the other cat's future which is a cause will cause an effect in the other cat's present. If this happens the other cat has a present again. Consequently a future cause has had an effect in the present. It may be when you and I die, we literally become quantum beings existing at the same relative time to everything else in the past, present, future and all of this will become clearer. In death, we all may have something new to try out and lots of infinite chances to boot. Who said heaven would be boring ????

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Quantum Theory Of Relativity

In our real world, we have physical space and time. We travel through physical space to get from here to there. If I'm to meet you at a coffee shop, we both have to add time to the physical location of the coffee shop ( x, y, z ) in three dimensions. This means that I will meet you at the coffee shop at the physical location of ( x, y, z ) at time ( t ). Fortunately, the passage of time as measured by a clock is constant, so there isn't any real difference between your and my time in our real world. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space only exists as a marker in the quantum world. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. Since space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world the past, present and future doesn't exist as we understand them. Time in the quantum world has the same function as space does in our real world. Quantum time, like time in our real world, represents the past, present and future. The past, present and future in the quantum world is managed by the processes of entanglement, superlocation, and superposition. Quantum time means that a quantum particle exists in the past, present and future all at the same time at the same location. Superposition shows all the states, possibilities and information at the same time in the past, present and future in the same location. Superlocation means that the past, present and future can exist at the same physical location because physical space doesn't exist in the quantum world except in the abstract. Since physical space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location in the past, present and future. In other words, this means that the past, present and future all co-exist at the same time at the same spot or location in the quantum world. The existence of superlocation and superposition means that everything that is knowledge ( states, possibilities and information ) exists at one superlocation all at once in the past, present and future. Travel in the quantum world is done through a process called entanglement, because the quantum world can't move through physical space because physical space doesn't exist . If I have a past, present and future quantum particle here and another past, present and future quantum particle over there, I can entangle my past, present, future quantum particle with the other past, present, future quantum particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time in the same past, present, future. This process of entanglement of two quantum particles also involves quantum time acting relativistically in the past, present and future. Time from a relativistic viewpoint means that if I do something in the quantum world, I also do it in the present, past and future at the same time because to be traveled physical space doesn't exist. Paradoxically, If someone comes along and choses my quantum past, my quantum past becomes his / her quantum present because he / she chose it in his / her quantum present. This also means that he / she can relativistically travel through quantum relativistic time into someone else's past and future. If he / she altered my quantum past / present / future, his / her quantum past / present / future would also be altered because he / she and I are relativistically linked in relativistic time. This means that someone cannot realistically travel through relativistic quantum time to destroy his / her grandfather without wiping out his / her relativistic existence.