Saturday, April 28, 2012

Three Fundamental Spacial Possibilities, Three Fundamental Quantum Realities & One In Both Is Always Chaotic

The universe is built around the number 3. What this means is that our real world possibilities and objective quantum world reality have three choices spread out in either real space or at one quantum superlocation.

They are:

  1. Yes – 1
  2. No – 0
  3. Maybe – ½ .

The fascinating part about this list is that when you apply :

  1. Yes – 1
  2. No – 0
  3. Maybe – ½

to mathematics you realize that the third choice ( Maybe – ½ ) is actually the concept of chaos, real world probability , and also objective quantum reality. The light switch in the real world is a perfect example. All the possibilities exist in our real world in spread out physical space.

  1. Yes – 1 – The light switch is on.
  2. No – 0 – The light switch is off
  3. Maybe – ½ – The light switch is neither on nor off but somewhere in between. This is the concept of chaos because you don't know where the light switch is in terms of the probability of becoming on or off.

In quantum chaos you find Schrodinger's famous cat. His cat is in a closed box. Since the quantum world can only express information using energy because physical space doesn't exist, you always see all the states, properties and existing objective quantum reality at once. Schrodinger's cat has the following three states, properties and quantum objective realities in its' objective quantum world at the same superlocation:

  1. Yes -1 -Alive.
  2. No – 0 – Dead
  3. Maybe – ½ – chaotic – ½ way between alive or dead ( moribund ). This is the concept of chaos because you don't know whether Schrodinger’s cat is on its' way to life or death.

because all the objective quantum realities exist at the same time in the same quantum superlocation since the quantum world cannot express probabilities in real world space because space doesn't physically exist.

This is a hard concept to grasp. Basically in the quantum world which doesn't have physical space, all of the quantum reality is expressed at one quantum superlocation. In the real world that has physical space, it is possible to express possibilities as a future event in terms of statistics and percentages in real existing or future physical space.

The quantum world expresses all information at once using energy because space is only a marker in the quantum world as being here or over there. If something moves in the quantum world or gives you information it's because of energy. An example of this phenomena is when electrons jump from orbit to orbit because nothing can travel through space in the quantum world because physical space doesn't exist in the quantum world except as a concept of right here or over there.

As the quantum world runs solely on energy, and our sight runs on energy photons, our sight's energy photons will disturb the balance of energy photons in Schrodinger's cat's box showing the various states or all the quantum realities all at once. This is what happens just before our eye photons get to see Schrodinger's cat.

  1. Schrodinger's cat's box is opened.
  2. It contains all the cat's possible states ( alive, dead, moribund ).
  3. Our eyeballing disturbs the cat's boxes' photons showing all the quantum reality at once which causes a an arbitrary choice to be made which is a percentage of our real world possibilities ( 1/3rd ).

The universe always has a chaotic choice when a decision is made. In our real world we call it a possible outcome expressed as a percentage ( 1/3rd ) occurring in real world space. In the quantum world it is all the quantum realities at the quantum superlocation because there's no physical space. When we eyeball the quantum world we flip it into our real world space. This flipping is nature's way of bringing randomness into our real world. Nature's randomnesses is what brings adventure into our existence.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Time Is Everything

It turns out that time in its' various disguises is the theory of everything.

The classical world that you and I see every day consists of:

1. Time

2. Energy / Weight / Mass

3. Space

Einstein in his equation E = MC^2 said that energy and mass were equivalent. Weight, which is generally equivalent to mass, is the pull of gravity on an object. That is why Newton's apple fell from the tree since the pull of the earth ( gravity ) is greater than the pull of the apple ( gravity ) on the earth.

Time maintains order. The simplest example is clocks. Clocks mark time which is a form of order. Time is used to maintain order when we are given a time to meet someone in three dimensional space. To state the obvious, if I'm to meet you at a coffee shop I'd better know at what time. Time in space-time really means that time is used as a marker so we can efficiently meet someone or do something in space.

In summary, time in the real world is used as:

1. Location ( somewhere in three dimensional space at a particular time )

2. Measurement of velocity or acceleration ( kilometers / hr. or miles / hr.. )

3. Marker ( think of clocks here )

The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space in the quantum world is like time in our real world. Space doesn't physically exist except in the abstract like time in our world. Space in the quantum world is thought of as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world because it doesn't physically exist. The quantum world is essentially about energy-time. In the quantum world, energy has to be applied to get from here to there. Electrons in orbit around a nucleus is an example of this phenomena. There is also a limit of how many electrons can be in each orbit. Generally speaking, the further out the orbit, the greater number of electrons that can be in it. Energy is a bit of a mystery. We talk about kinetic energy in our world which is the result of energy under motion at a velocity ( wind ) . Force in our world is accelerating energy ( f = ma ) or ( force = ( mass or weight ) X acceleration ). Time is also a bit of a mystery in the quantum world. In our real world, time has one direction forward in a predominately straight line in order to keep order. Time is simply a linear dimension which is largely useless as far as our interaction with it is concerned. This is done so elements of chaos won't be introduced into the system. Black Holes are an example of time chaos when interference is allowed.

Nobody knows how the universe started but let's assume that the unknown universe's quantum world was all about energy. Let's suppose that the unknown universe had a quantum world in which negative gravity ( g- ) and positive gravity ( g+ ) was connected by time ( time ) to form neutral energy ( g- & g+ together ) that looked like ( g- time g+ ). The ( g- time g+ ) broke free of that universe and the ( g- time g+ ) stretched into what is now our universe’s real and quantum world. This time stretching would separate the ( g- ) & ( g+ ) from each other which would eventually result in negative ( - ) and positive ( + ) charges along with negative ( - ) and positive ( + ) energy.. The former universe's rules would morph into the rules of our universe, but there would be a delay during the transition to the new rules. This means that time from the old universe would expand our universe faster than our universe's rules would seemingly allow if they were fully in force. Some of the plus gravity would convert into dark matter and dark energy. Some of the minus gravity would convert into the gravity that you and I know along with something I call sticky gravity. Sticky gravity is gravity that allows time to hold us in place as time pulls us, things and the universe, in general, in an orderly forward direction. Some of the time would convert into real space which is familiar to us. Real space consists of strings which flex. depending on whether a mass or weight is present. Einstein talked about this phenomena. Since time created space in our world, time also flexes along with non-sticky gravity which is also part of time. String space also flexes when a mass or weight has a velocity or acceleration. This flexing string space also flexes the time and non-sticky gravity which causes time delays and the mass and weight being drawn off course as it travels at velocity or is under acceleration. Some of the time in our quantum world would hold the quantum particles in position forming atoms. We call this time the strong ( nuclear ) force. The weak nuclear or weak time force in our real world lets particles such a electrons leave their atoms so we can generate electricity, do chemical reactions or form metals as well as other processes.

In summary Time in its' various disguises is:

1. Nuclear force ( strong & weak )

2. Gravity ( One sticky & one loose )

3. Space ( Stringy & flexible )

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Time Is The Mother Of The Three Fundamental Forces

The four fundamental forces based on what they do are:

1. Electromagnetic.

2. Strong nuclear force.

3. Weak nuclear force.

4. Gravity.

The electromagnetic force acts between electrically charged particles. Electricity, magnetism and light are involved with this force and it has an infinite range. Modern communications runs on the electromagnetic force. The electromagnetic force is the first of the three fundamental unified forces.

The strong and weak nuclear force is really time in disguise. Nobody knows how the universe started but let's assume that the unknown universe's quantum world was all about energy. Let's suppose that the unknown universe had a quantum world in which negative energy gravity ( g- ) and positive energy gravity ( g+ ) was connected by time ( time ) to form energy that looked like ( g- time g+ ). The ( g- time g+ ) broke free of that universe and the ( g- time g+ ) stretched into what is now our universe’s real and quantum world. The former universe's rules would morph into the rules of our universe, but there would be a delay during the transition to the new rules. This means that time from the old universe would expand our universe faster than our universe's rules would seemingly allow if they were fully in force. The plus energy gravity would convert into dark matter and dark energy. The minus energy gravity would convert into the gravity that you and I know. Some of the time would convert into real space which is familiar to us. Some of the time in our quantum world would hold the quantum particles in position forming atoms. We call this time the strong ( nuclear ) force. This time force binds neutrons and protons together in the cores of atoms and is a strong short range force. The weak nuclear or weak time force is in our real world where it causes beta decay which is the conversion of a neutron to a proton, an electron an anti-neutrino and various particles. Like the strong nuclear or time force, the weak nuclear or time force is also short range. Time in our real world is also a sticky force we call gravity. One version clamps us into place as it drags us forward in time towards the future. The other version of the sticky force acting as gravity was noticed by Einstein. That gravity is seen by us as bending around masses and weight. It's almost like space is a series of layered strings that gravity flexes around mass and weight causing light and time to flex too. Mass and weight under velocity or acceleration flexes the layered space strings causing this type of time gravity to pull us off course in space. The voyage of Voyageur through space is an example of this phenomena.

When ( g- time g+ ) stretched into the real part of our universe it also created space which weakened time's gravitational pull which still keeps us in place but also permits us to walk around and do things. ( g- time g+ ) stretched is really multiple strings which we now call string theory.

In summary, the three fundamental unified forces are:

1. Electromagnetic.

2. Nuclear ( Time acting as a weak and strong nuclear force )

3. Gravity ( Time acting as a sticky force & time acting as a loose force )

Friday, April 06, 2012

Into The Quantum Present, Past & Future & Some Quantum Time Travel Thrown In For Good Measure

In the real world we predominately move in space which we can travel through in any direction at any angle. Time in our real world is basically used as a marker since we can't move within the time dimension. Time, however, can drag us forward into the future as it is acting as a form of permanent sticky gravity that drags us outward in one direction which we call the future. We can think of the past in terms of things happening in time, but we can't recreate those physical situations except in our mind. In our world, we can see the properties of most things by simply looking at or examining them . For instance a property of a car might be that it is red in color. If we want to gamble on something we can figure out the probability of winning or losing. For example if we toss a coin over a long period of time it will come out as a possibility of ½ because there is a chance that one time it will be heads and another time tails. The reason for this consistency is that we live in space which is relatively constant. The quantum world is somewhat different. Space in the quantum world is like time in our world. We see space in the quantum world as an intellectual abstraction. Space is all around us but we can't travel through it to get from A to B. Time in the quantum world is all things at the same time. In our real world space, and life in general, is organized linearly. You can argue that you can multitask but from a time viewpoint there is always seconds between what you're doing. Time in the quantum world has something called superposition. Superposition means that in the quantum world, all the properties of something like a car are presented at once. For instance all the possible colors and shades of a car are present at once. As soon as you eyeball the car in the quantum world, you only see one color because of your action of looking at it. All possibilities in terms of superposition in the quantum world means that you can also have the past, present and future all at the same time. As soon as you eyeball the past, present, or future in the quantum world that past, present or future becomes reality. The quantum world also has entanglement .Things in the quantum world can't literally travel through space because space doesn't exist . In the quantum world, entanglement modifies things. This means if you change something over here, the changes immediately appear over there. The last thing is what I call superlocation. Since space in the quantum world doesn't exist except as an abstraction, you can have things existing in exactly the same location. This means that if you built a detector in a superlocation in the past it could capture information on the state of the quantum field in the past and carry it forward to the future which in essence would be quantum time travel. Another detector would capture information on the state of the field in the future from the past at the same superlocation. The two detectors would then be compared side-by-side to see if their state has become entangled in the same way we presently understand entanglement. The two detectors being consistent would capture the past information which would have only moved in time and not in space because space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world except as an extraction. The thinking around this process gets a little hairy but essentially it depends on entanglement, time without space and superlocation. Both detectors acting as carriers similar to a radio beam in our world would have to be entangled with shared properties or they couldn't capture the past same information in the future. The detector combinations are equivalent to today's prime combinations in cryptography. The possible uses of this method is only restricted by our imagination. One possibility is that you could see the creation of the universe in the quantum world's version of 3D. Now wouldn't that be something!!!!! Chemical reactions, black holes, nuclear reactions, who knows what. Someone once raised the question that if aliens existed, why don't they visit us ??? Ignoring the fact that we're an uncultured lot prone to bludgeoning now and again, maybe their quantum knowledge allows them to see us in their version of 3D!!!