Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Quantum World In A Nutshell

In our everyday universe, we all have to travel through space to get from A to B. Our travel through space essentially involves our making a decision about:

1. Velocity
2. Acceleration
3. Trajectory ( direction ).

The quantum world doesn't require us to travel through space to get from A to B. To get around this problem, the quantum world uses a phenomena called entanglement. Entanglement is basically a reproductive mechanism which reproduces us / information from point A to point B's without travel through space being involved. Since travel through space isn't an option, entanglement reproduces us / information in all directions:

1. Past
2. Present
3. Future

In the quantum world, we can exist in all places at the same time, whereas in our everyday universe, we can only exist in all places at the same time through our imagination. This means that if we can exist in all places at the same time in a quantum world we can choose a preferred location from the locations generated by quantum entanglement, while our other selves choose their locations and proceed on their own paths and adventures.

Existing in all places at the same time, means that we are now subject to probability ( ½ ), possibility ( yes, no, maybe = 1/3rd ) and Likelihood ( 1/9 ( When does Time ( equal to 9 ) kick in ??? )).

Probability, possibility, and likelihood, in the quantum world relies on randomness for a decision. These random happenings in the quantum world appear in our familiar universe as bad or good luck. A probability, possibility and likelihood choice is also instigated as soon as we observe / try to measure the quantum world because we have to use energy in some form to do it.

In summary:

1. Entanglement
2. Probability, Possibility, Likelihood
3. Randomness / outside forces.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quantum Slits, Quantum Information & Schrodinger's Cat

Suppose we have a quantum photon whose electron volt value is 632 electron volts. The quantum photon can be represented by a ball of string. It's surrounding electromagnetic wave can be represented by curved strings. This ball of string ( photon ) with its' surrounding waves ( curved strings ) represent a quantum electron particle and its' waves create an electromagnetic field. The surrounding electromagnetic field has a value of 11 ( add the digits in 632 ( 6 + 3 + 2 = 11 ). The electromagnetic field ( value = 11 )will radiate out forever in a circle from the photon unless something interferes with its' path. If you put a single vertical slit in a barrier, you will find that the electromagnetic field ( value 11 ) shows the most light behind the slit and dimmer light to the side since the electromagnetic wave starts to radiate outward after it leaves the back of the slit.

If you add more slits beside the first one, you will see bright bars and dark bars where no light seems to hit at all. The electromagnetic wave ( value 11 ) went through all the slits and it started to radiate outward after it left the slits. Unfortunately, the radiating wave from each of the slits either interfered with other slits or reinforced other slits. Thus you either got light ( reinforcement ) or dark bands ( interference ).

The fun starts after you decide to measure the electromagnetic field behind some slits as the electromagnetic field comes through all the slits. The problem arises over how you intend to do it. In our universe we have to use energy in some form to measure something. This energy usually comes in the form of a particle ( electrons or photons ). If the electromagnetic field is strong enough the use of electrons or photons or anything else, usually doesn't prevent ( or significantly corrupt ) our measurement. If we try to measure something in the quantum world, our added measurement energy changes the electromagnetic field we are trying to measure. In this case, our measurement destroys the electromagnetic field coming through some slits and we get a series of one slit results ( shows the most light behind the non-interfered slit and dimmer light through the interfered with slit since the electromagnetic wave starts to radiate outward after it leaves the back of the non-interfered slit ).

Most things in our universe is either yes or no. One choice out of 2 possibilities ( either yes or no ). One choice out of two possibilities is ( ½ ) . There is a third choice, which I like to think of as an unknown result ( one choice out of 3 possibilities ( 1/3rd ). So poor old Schrodinger’s cat goes into the old box. After awhile, the old cat is either alive or dead or maybe somewhere in between or not there at all. Anyway there is a third unknown ( can't guess ) possibility. In our universe, we don't know until we look. If Schrodinger's cat has shrunk into a quantum state, we'll never know for sure, because we can't measure without destroying the state of the electromagnetic field containing the information surrounding the cat.

The most interesting part is that if there are many possibilities contained in the third possibility ( sort of all things to all people ) then we can extract different possibilities ( information ) from the same electromagnetic field. Of course, what is right and what is wrong, is the question. It is sort of like a crowd of people coming to different conclusions after seeing the same thing in our world .

Monday, March 14, 2011

Particles & Waves

Both the real and the quantum world consists of:

1. Particles
2. Waves
3. Time

In the quantum world a particle generates electromagnet waves and electron waves. In the real world a particle ( us ) generates charisma which is the equivalent to an electromagnet wave. Sometimes a particle ( us ) generates a confidence and belief aura which is equivalent to an electron wave. What we call it is dependent on our language and culture but it is basically the same thing in two universes. The quantum world hasn't any space and in our world Einstein says that something extends into space, but space doesn't exist on its' own even though you and I instinctively see space. There isn't any space in the quantum world, so Time operates like a possibility or probability. That means that Time automatically comes into existence and at that point something statistically happens. The general concept of Time in our universe is that Time marks events when it is used as a clock ( meet me at 1:00 pm. at Frank's ) or as a measure of distance. ( 50 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees ). Quantum Particles or Atoms are also associated with their own personal waves. These quantum particles or mass can be represented by a ball of string. Surround the ball of string with curved strings which represent the ball of string's wave. This ball of string with its' surrounding waves ( curved strings ) represent a quantum particle and its' waves creating an electromagnetic field. Let's assume for the sake of argument that the quantum particle mass is 23. Since it has surrounding curved strings representing an electromagnetic field ( because quantum particle masses are measured in electron volts ) we can let this electromagnetic field be represented by 5 ( add the digits in 23 ( 2 + 3 = 5 ). Since we now have a quantum particle mass of 23 electron volts with a surrounding personal electromagnetic field of 5 we can assume it will interact with other quantum particle masses and their personal electromagnetic fields forming new particles and fields. Suppose we have another quantum particle whose mass is ( 47 ). Its' electromagnet string wave is ( 11 ) ( 4 + 7 = 11 ) or 2 ( 1 + 1 = 2 ). The electromagnet wave fields of the 23 mass electron ( 5 ) and the 47 mass electron ( 2 ) become intertwined. The combined electromagnetic fields have a value of ( 5 + 2 ) = 7. If Space – less quantum Time doesn't switch on, we will continue to have two separate quantum particles whose value is 23 and 47 with separate intertwined electromagnetic fields of 5 and 11(or 2). If Space-less quantum Time, with a quantum value of (9) and a possibility / probability of ( 1/9 ), switches on the two electron volt masses will combine into one mass of 70 electron volts ( 23 + 47 = 70 ). The new electron volt mass of 70 will have an electromagnetic wave of 7 ( 7 + 0 = 7 ).

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Quantum Atom Theory

Quantum Atom Theory is associated with both Quantum Chaos and the Nature Of Reality. Each is organized and run by Time moving in a forward direction. A minor offshoot of these processes is entropy, a process which allows us to disassemble things / processes and rearrange them into new forms of usefulness like communication. The opposite of entropy is gravity which tends to hold things together. The general concept of Time in our universe is that Time marks events when it is used as a clock ( meet me at 1:00 pm. at Frank's ) or as a measure of distance. ( 50 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees ). Quantum Particles or Atoms are also associated with their own personal waves. These quantum particles or mass can be represented by a ball of string. Surround the ball of string with curved strings which represent the ball of string's wave. This ball of string with its' surrounding waves ( curved strings ) represent a quantum particle and its' waves creating an electromagnetic field. Let's assume for the sake of argument that the quantum particle mass is 23. Since it has surrounding curved strings representing an electromagnetic field ( because quantum particle masses are measured in electron volts ) we can let this electromagnetic field be represented by 5 ( add the digits in 23 ( 2 + 3 = 5 ). Since we now have a quantum particle mass of 23 electron volts with a surrounding personal electromagnetic field of 5 we can assume it will interact with other quantum particle masses and their personal electromagnetic fields forming new particles and fields. The problem is we don't know when ( Time ). This is the so called arrow of Time because Time is unidirectional in an outward ( forward ) direction. We can see the same phenomena in our real world. In the quantum world it is called Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and in our real world fate or bad luck. In addition, everything in our universe is associated with Space ( particles, actions, events extended into space ) and Time ( when did it happen ??? ). Time itself is being extended outward in a unidirectional direction, but due to the electromagnetic nature of quantum particles, our space per time or Space / Time is being curved. It can be said that Time is a hidden variable of Quantum Mechanics. Each interaction creates an individual Space / Time or reference Frame relative to its' energy and mass. The greater the mass, the slower Time will run in that reference frame ( not speed ( distance / time ) because there is no space in the quantum world ). Going back to our example, the quantum particle mass is 23. Its' electromagnetic field is 5 ( 2 + 3 = 5 ). Subtract ( mass – string ( 23 – 5 = 18 ) to get the Space / Time Frame of 18. The Time string is rather unique. It doesn't have any space in the traditional sense, but the Time string is related to the number 9. The number 9 in the Time string can pop up at any time which means we neither know when it will happen nor the consequences ( Heisenberg again ). Mathematically ( Particle 23 – wave 5 = Space / Time Frame 18 ). ( Frame 18 / Time Value 9 = Space 2 ). The Space that must be covered in the Space / Time Frame is 2. So the dimensions of this Space / Time Frame is Constant Time Value ( 9 ) X Space ( 2 ) = Frame ( 18).

If we have a greater quantum mass particle ( 47 ), its' electromagnet string wave is ( 11 ) ( 4 + 7 = 11 ). Frame ( 47 – 11 = 36 ). The Space / Time Frame is 36 and the Space is ( 36 / 9 = 4 ) in the Space / Time Frame. Therefore it can be seen that the greater the mass ( 47 vs. 23 ), the slower Time ( not speed ( distance / time )) because there is no space in the quantum world. The slower part isn't speed ( distance / time ) but rather the length of Time the phenomena will take to appear in both the quantum and our real world before generating the division ( Frame / Time ) or in this case (36 / 9 = 4 ).

You can also look at it in terms of Space in our real world. If we have a greater quantum mass particle ( 47 ), its' electromagnet string wave is ( 11 ) ( 4 + 7 = 11 ). Frame is ( 47 – 11 = 36 ). The Space / Time Frame is 36 and the Space is ( 36 / 9 = 4 ) in the Space / Time Frame. Therefore it can be seen that the greater the mass ( 47 vs. 23 ), the slower Time ( not speed ( distance / time )) will appear to happen in terms of Space ( 2 vs. 4 ). The slower part isn't speed ( distance / time ) but rather the length of Time the phenomena will take to appear in both the quantum and our real world before generating the division ( Frame / Time ) or in this case (36 / 9 = 4 ).

This basic principle is why things that are better made last longer, because the thing's quantum world can hold together longer before Time generates the ( Frame / Time ) division creating a Space for things to happen.

This principle also generates uncertainty, probability, what will happen ( future ) in both our world and the quantum world because:

1. Don't know when ( Frame / Time = Space ) division will happen.
2. Probability – ½.
3. What will happen ( future particle / event / action ).

Here's another generator of uncertainty:

If we have a mass particle ( 47 ), it can have two electromagnetic waves of 11 and 2 ( 4 + 7 = 11 ), ( 1 + 1 = 2 ). Frame 1 is ( 47 – 11 = 36 ). Frame 2 is ( 47 – 2 = 45 ).The Space / Time Frame 1 is 36 and the Space is ( 36 / 9 = 4 ) in the Space / Time Frame 1 . The Space / Time Frame 2 is 45 and the Space is ( 45 / 9 = 5) in the Space / Time Frame 2 . Therefore we have two potential outcomes and the probability that either one will occur is 1 result out of two ( 2 ) choices or ½. Most decisions / processes / choices in our world are calculated on the probability of ½ or one (1 ) out of two ( 2 ) choices .

Lastly, future events in terms of what will happen in the quantum world ( Heisenberg ) and our real world ( bad luck / good luck ) is based on the interaction of electron volt quantum particles and their electromagnetic waves which can have different values and consequently different actions.

The funniest part is that in most religions we are taught to love ( help ) one another and to be generally good. The reason for it is the way God set up the universe's real and quantum worlds. The key to success and less aggravation is to prevent the electromagnetic fields of the quantum particles from being disturbed to our detriment. Yoga, anyone?????

Oh by the way, telling your ( hyperactive ) friend to “Chill” is based on Quantum Atom Theory and science in general, much to everyone's surprise, including my own!!!

Monday, March 07, 2011

Strings Solve The Riemann Hypothesis

Let's look at the Riemann Hypothesis from the aspect of a string. Suppose we have 9 strings numbered from one to nine ( 1 – 9 ). The only rule for any number on any particular string is that the total of the digits total the value of that string. For instance, string 2, would have digits totaling 2 ( 2, 11, 101, 1001, etc. ) since the digits in all the numbers total 2 ( 1 + 0 + 1 = 2 ) etc.. The question remaining is what do we do about string zero ( 0 ). String zero ( 0 ) in strings has the same function as √ -1 in particle math using numbers, formulas, and symbols. This is so because string zero ( 0 ) cannot be realistically graphed so it means anything as a real string. If string ( 0 ) is imaginary it is on the imaginary plane at right angles to string 2 or any other string for that matter. Each string number ( 2, 11, 101, 101 ) has a tail ( 2 ) on string 2 because the digits total 2 ( 101 = ( 1 + 0 + 1 = 2 )). The next question is concerning the distance between each number that is on string 2. If we add the number 11 ( 2 ) and 101 ( 2 ) number we get 4 ( 2 + 2 = 4 ) so we have a distance of 4 between each number similar to the distance in Calculus. At each location of 4 units we have an imaginary String 0 running vertically from String 2. The Riemann Hypothesis says that all the non-trivial zeros ( 0 ) are on the line ( y = ½ ) running off a line represented by the equation 1/2 + it. Our non-trivial zeros ( 0 ) become real when they cross string 2 at the “4” locations. If we can add zero to the addition of the digits without changing the digit total our zeros ( 0 ) are real. The Riemann Hypothesis, on the other hand, using particle math of numbers, formulas and symbols has to prove the zeros ( 0 ) have to cross ( y = ½ ) . Riemann's formula also uses fractions and imaginary numbers which he adds. Strings can also use fractions and imaginary String 0 which is equivalent to Riemann's method.

String 2 Whole Numbers:


String 2 Fractions:

( 1/101)
(1 / 1001)
( 1 / 10001)
( 1/ 100001)

Take the fractions ( 1 / 101 ) etc. and raise them by the power of 2, since the numbers are on string 2. Fraction ( 1 / 101 ) ^ 2 = .2583624924.

Sum the powers which peak around .2583635005.

Prime number ( 97 ) which is the last of the two digit primes is the 26th prime. If we multiply ( 97 X .2583635005 ) we get ( 25.0612595501).

The Riemann Hypothesis says that the location of the prime numbers is dependent on the position of the zeros in the calculation.

If we take the square root of ( 25.0612595501) we get ( .5082946985 ).

Experimentation will show that the square root containing the most accurate zero (s) for the calculation is ( .509999999 ).
Prime number ( 97 ) which is the last of the two digit primes is the 26th prime. If we take the new square root ( .509999999 ) and raise it to the power of 2 ( .509999999 ^2 ) we get ( .260099999). If we multiply ( 97 X .260099999 ) we get ( 25.229699995) which is closer to 26 than using ( .5082946985) in the calculation.

Prime number 29 is the 11th prime. If we multiply ( 29 X (( .50999999 )^1) we get ( 14.78999997 ) which is approximately off 11 by the value of Pi ( 3.141592654 ). Therefore subtract the value of Pi.

Prime number 43 is the 15th prime. If we multiply ( 43 X (( .50999999 )^1) we get ( 11.18429998 ) which is approximately off 15 by the value of Pi ( 3.141592654 ). Therefore add the value of Pi.

Prime number 149 is the 36th prime. If we multiply ( 149 X (( .50999999 )^2) we get ( 38.75489992) which is approximately off 36 by the value of e^1 ( 2.718281828 ). Therefore subtract ( 2.718281828 ).

In summary:

1. The Riemann Hypothesis says that the location of the prime numbers is dependent on the position of the zeros in the calculation. The basic number which involves zero(s) in the calculation is the number ( .50999999 ). The prime number 191 is the 44th prime number The basic number which involves zero(s) in the calculation for the position ( 44th ) of the prime number 191 is the number ( .50099999 ).

2. You may have to add or subtract Pi ( 3.141592654 ) from the calculated position to obtain the most accurate position.

3. You may have to add or subtract the natural number ( e ) or ( 2.718281828 ) from the calculated position to obtain the most accurate position.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Energy / Time Theory

Space / Time generally means that you can't travel through space without traveling through time. Space in our universe is length, width and height. Time in our universe is a marked by a measure of time ( clock ) or a distance in time. Einstein extended this idea when he brought observation into the picture explaining what happened when two observers saw the same phenomena when either at rest or moving in the same frame or different frames. Later on, Einstein brought in his famous equation ( E = mc^2 ) which said that Mass and Energy were the same thing in different forms.

So in summary we now have:

1. Space / Time.
2. Mass / Energy.

But there is something missing and that is Energy / Time. Time and Energy don't contain any space. This may seem very hard to believe because if you and I look out a window we can see time and energy existing in various forms in space. In our world everything has the illusion of being solid simply because our eyes don't have the ability to see into the quantum world without assistance. Even if we could see into the quantum world, the information that we would gain would be very limited because our eyes run on photons for information and photons are so large that they can't always bounce off of what they hit and return to our eye. Sometimes the photons smother the quantum object which we want to see and therefore can't bounce back to our eye with information. It seems to me that in a quantum world all we have are strings which appear to us as Time and Energy. Strings do not contain space in the sense that strings have to travel through it in order to go from A to B. Rolled up Energy strings are a mass in our world and electron volts in a quantum world which we call atoms or particles because there isn't any space in a quantum world. Since the rolled up strings are flexed in a ball you get gravity without movement or inertia with movement. Also, the rolled up energy string ball we call Mass flexes the surrounding strings that aren't part of the ball thus creating gravity that distorts the path of passing photons causing things to appear to be elsewhere. Time is a unidirectional outward going string that doesn't react with the seen universe. Energy is also a string which when moving outward provides force, velocity and acceleration and when acting inward provides the strong and weak nuclear force depending on its' location. If the energy string flexes rapidly you get frequency or different property characteristics if associated with a mass ( energy string ball ). If you attempt to get information from the quantum world you are adding energy strings to it which affects what you are trying to measure or alternately changes its' characteristics ( properties ) so it now appears to be either a wave ( string ) or particle ( a ball of energy string we call a mass ). Since quantum space doesn't exist, how does Energy /Time work together ???? You can think of Energy, and Time as being parallel strings when they are quiescent in a quantum world. If you could see into a quantum world you would notice that the quantum world had areas of cloudiness which we call nuclear particles and atoms ( rolled up energy strings ). These nuclear particles and atoms are rolled up energy strings joined together by energy strings which we call the strong and weak nuclear force. There is no quantum space in the quantum world so everything is instantaneous because of the Time string which hasn't space. In addition because there isn't any space we measure energy in electron volts. An electron is a rolled up energy string with an electron charge on it. The Time string is rather unique. It doesn't have any space in the traditional sense, but the Time string is related to the number 9. The number 9 in the Time string can pop up at any time and so we can relate it to an infinite number of space measurements in our world.

Here's an example:

The common battery which you can readily buy at a store is 1.5 volts or 1.5 electron volts. If you put the 1.5 volt battery in something you will find that over time ( Time string ) it will cease to operate. If you measure the remaining voltage in the battery you will find it is approximately 1.34 volts. If you add the digits in 1.34 volts it will total ( 1 + 3 + 4 = 8 ). Adjust the number 8 so it can be subtracted from 1.34 volts ( 1.34 – 0.08 = 1.26 ). The value of the Time / Energy Frame is 1.26. Divide the Time / Energy Frame ( 1.26 ) by 9 which is the value of the Time String when it appeared ( how long did the battery last ??? ) ( 1.26 / 9 = 0.14 ). If you add ( 1.34 + 0.14 = 1.48 ) which is approximately 1.5.

You can see what happened, but it is an illusion because it actually happened in the quantum world where there isn't any ( quantum ) space. The most interesting thing of all is that probability is birthed in the quantum world when the Time String pops a nine and energy is released into the quantum world. This energy is seen by us as energy, action and events. There are many Time strings in the quantum world busy popping 9's at any time from our space / time perspective. Since the result of all this popping has to go somewhere in a quantum spaceless world we see the results as dark matter, dark mass and dark energy because we can't use our Space / Time to react with it. It is also interesting that our whole universe was created when one of the Time strings in the quantum world popped and didn't do what it was supposed to do.

So, in summary:

1. Space / Time.
2. Energy / Time.
3. Mass / Energy.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Theory Of Everything

The Theory Of Everything presupposes that there is one standard equation which when the right numbers are inserted, you have a mathematical explanation for everything. I think the one standard mathematical equation for the explanation for everything is the mathematical representation of a string. I'm not bright enough to write that equation, but I can tell you how the common string represents / can explain everything in our 4 dimensional universe as well as our quantum universe.

The basic construction of the universe in terms of a string is:

1. Energy
2. Mass
3. Time

If you hold out a piece of string in front of you, you will see that the string occupies space, but the string itself has no space because you can't stretch it. Einstein said that things occupy space, but space doesn't exist on its' own as a separate entity. If you try to stretch the string, you are applying an outward motion or force. Eventually, if you are strong enough, it will suddenly break and at the instance of the breakage, you will experience acceleration of the string. The string won't accelerate forever, but it will reach a constant speed which we call velocity ( distance / time ). Conversely, if you take a string and push it inward, you will see that you can't break it. This happens because the string on a quantum level is being held together by a strong nuclear force. Lastly if the string can be combined chemically to make something, then the new combination of whatever you are making is held together by the weak nuclear force on a quantum level. All this is energy in some form or another.

Mass is demonstrated by creating a ball of string. Each string in the ball of string is curved in some degree and not all of the strings are equally curved. A curved or flexed string represents gravity. This is why gravity is notoriously weaker than any other energy force associated with a ball of string. Also, since the curve in all the strings in the ball of string aren't exact you get a different gravity pull just like it happens on earth. Lastly, if you lay out a series of strings in any direction around the ball you will find that the strings surrounding the ball are generally curved representing the pull of gravity for anything traveling close to the ball of curved strings. Finally, if you could make the ball of curved string vibrate you could read its' characteristics. If you could make a string extended into space vibrate in a pattern you could transmit information at a designated frequency. This is the basis of electronics which uses a charged particle ( electron ) to vibrate its' string in a pattern which we call communication.

Time seems to me to be dark matter. It moves outward in one direction. We can't interact with it in terms of changing its' direction or stopping it. We also can't travel backward or forward along a string of time. You can think of Energy, and Time as being parallel strings when they are quiescent in a quantum world. If you could see into a quantum world you would notice that the quantum world had areas of cloudiness which we call nuclear particles and atoms. These nuclear particles and atoms are rolled up mass strings joined together by energy strings which we call the strong and weak nuclear force. There is no quantum space in the quantum world so everything is instantaneous because of the Time string which hasn't space. In addition because there isn't any space we measure energy in electron volts. An electron is a rolled up mass string with an electron charge on it. The Time string is rather unique. It doesn't have any space in the traditional sense, but the Time string is related to the number 9. The number 9 in the Time string can pop up at any time and so we can relate it to an infinite number of space measurements in our world.

Here's an example:

The common battery which you can readily buy at a store is 1.5 volts or 1.5 electron volts. If you put the 1.5 volt battery in something you will find that over time ( Time string ) it will cease to operate. If you measure the remaining voltage in the battery you will find it is approximately 1.34 volts. If you add the digits in 1.34 volts it will total ( 1 + 3 + 4 = 8 ). Adjust the number 8 so it can be subtracted from 1.34 volts ( 1.34 – 0.08 = 1.26 ). The value of the Time / Energy Frame is 1.26. Divide the Time / Energy Frame ( 1.26 ) by 9 which is the value of the Time String when it appeared ( how long did the battery last ??? ) ( 1.26 / 9 = 0.14 ). If you add ( 1.34 + 0.14 = 1.48 ) which is approximately 1.5.

You can see what happened, but it is an illusion because it actually happened in the quantum world where there isn't any ( quantum ) space. The most interesting thing of all is that probability is birthed in the quantum world when the Time String pops a nine and energy is released into the quantum world. This energy is seen by us as space, energy, action and events. There are many Time strings in the quantum world busy popping 9's at any time from our space / time perspective. Since the result of all this popping has to go somewhere in a quantum spaceless world we see the results as dark matter, dark mass and dark energy because we can't use our Space / Time to react with it. It is also interesting that our whole universe was created when one of the Time strings in the quantum world popped and didn't do what it was supposed to do.

So, in summary:

1. Space / Time.
2. Energy / Time.
3. Mass / Energy.

It's interesting that Einstein proved that Mass / Energy were the same thing and that Space / Time are related. Since Time has the common value of 9 in the quantum world it seems that Space / Time and Energy / Time are the same thing since both can be divided by Time which has the same value ( 9 ).

So, once again:

1. Space
2. Energy
3. Mass

are three peas in the same pod called Time whose value is 9.