The problem with intelligent computers is that we don’t know how to successfully program them. Our present computers are programmed on:
1. Rules
2. If
3. While / When.
Rules use the choice yes / no system. Yes is equal to 1 ( one ). No is equal to 0 ( zero ). The yes / no system is basically a two ( 2 ) dimensional system, whereas we live in a 4 dimensional world.
Our world is:
1. Rules.
2. Maybe
3. Statistical
Maybe involves the third dimension or the number 3. Maybe involves situations where rules are not clear cut.
Maybe is concerned with:
1. Intelligence
2. Experience
3. Culture / Training.
Functioning intelligence in the real word is essentially the ability to see:
1. Patterns
2. Relationships.
3. Exceptions.
The fourth ( 4th ) dimension is the future. The future in our universe always moves forward. The future involves choosing paths. There are infinite paths, but only 9 strings or dimensions. The future is based on statistics. Our statistical sample is rooted in our intelligence, experience, culture / training. Whether or not our statistical sample can be successfully translated into choosing the right future population of choices is the question. Fortunately the future for most of us has a normal curve of reasonable success with reasonable ups and downs with only minor irritations. This, in other words, is the old sine curve in action.
The trick,my friends, is to design an intelligent computer which is on 24 / 7 to absorb experience, establish relationships and patterns, to run in 9 dimensions including the future and to deal with the occasional random event. Oh yeah, don’t forget statistics, for which there are no rules but plenty of pitfalls.