Saturday, February 28, 2009

After Relativity - What???

The universe consists of particles / objects / events, strings, and frames. Physics first recognized particles / objects / events when it explained the universe in terms of mechanics. The discovery of electricity brought in the discussion of fields but this was a branch of particles / objects / events. Einstein advanced physics in his discussion of relativity which involved particles / objects / events in frames and how particles which are really you and me and how we related to objects / events in a frame and how we related to objects / events outside a frame when the frames were stationary and moving relative to each other, hence the Theory Of Relativity. The third leg of the stool is strings. Strings are all over the place. In religion, we speak of God knowing all and being everywhere at once. One infinitely long and wide string holding everything together. I believe God exists simply because this universe is too complicated to have happened randomly even though we have evolution now. Your and my life is basically concerned with fitting things together either physically or mentally. This is building strings. We are concerned with building partnerships / finding love / building careers which is really building strings by another name. We speak of finding the path to success which is strings again. Chemistry is mostly about bonds which are strings again. Light is both a particle or a wave. A wave is a vibrating string. String operating vertically is gravity. String operating horizontally is time. String which is stretchable and curves is space. If a string has frequency it has a property which we see as objects / particles / characteristics such as charisma and likeability. If a string stretches or shrinks it changes its’ frequency which we see as red and blue shifts. If a string is accelerating we see it as a dark matter force. If a string has a velocity we experience it as dark matter energy. Occasionally, strings will form a particle / object with a tail. That particle / object vibrates at a frequency which we see as life / characteristics. The vibrating particle / object gives off energy which affects its’ surroundings. This effect is charisma. A string can also be a physical particle / object building or an event which happens out of the blue. A string can form frames which we see as dimensions including time. A string can form dimensions which we can’t see but can experience in the form of quantum effects when strings as objects appear out of nowhere and leave trails which are characteristic of a particle / object. The same equivalent effect occurs in our dimension when someone leaves a mess or an particle / object collapses. String as time can also stretch or curve on a random basis. We experience stretched string time as a hardship as in waiting for someone or as a task which is annoying. Curved string time is experienced by us as something pleasant which is far too short. Strings are the third leg of the stool. Hence, The Theory Of Strings.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Strings, Dark Matter &Physics

Early physics concerned itself with mechanical movement and what things did when they bumped into or were influenced by each other because physics only saw particles / objects and events. With the discovery of electricity and our development of radio and TV, physics started to explain things in terms of fields, since fields radiated information which we saw as words, ideas, and pictures. Einstein appeared and started to discuss physics in terms of enclosures or frames and how we saw things if we were the occupants of those frames or enclosures. He also discussed frames in relationship to each other when they had velocity, accelerated or when their velocity reached the speed of light. Physics started to be applied to everything and astronomers were the first to notice that the movement of the galaxies and their contents couldn’t be totally explained by matter we could eyeball. This matter was called dark and it still remains a mystery. Here’s a possible answer from string theory. In our everyday world, we experience gravity, space and time. Suppose for the sake of argument, gravity, space, and time were actually strings. In our world, we do not see gravity, space and time as strings because our sight doesn’t have that acuity. If strings were the basis of dark matter, gravity would be an energy string, space a matter string and time a force string. Our physical limitations as a particle / object allows us to experience gravity as something that keeps us in place which is a form of energy. We apply energy to things and convert it, which is really the horizontal application of gravity to allow us to move. We do not experience space as matter because we can’t see space except as something abstract. If we could eyeball space we would see it as a string of dark matter which flexes and curls. Einstein had a hint of strings when he talked of space curving, light following a curve, and plant orbits. Time is a string of dark force. Our closest sensation of time as a dark force is its’ ability to move everything outward in a forward direction.

In short physics had 4 phases:





The 3 primary ones are:




Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Universe

The universe consists of particles / objects and events which we experience in everyday living. We are the particles. The objects are the physical things that we see every day. The events are the things that happen to us good or bad. Behind us, holding things together, are the strings, dark matter, dark energy and dark force. The strings are gravity, space, and time. Space strings are the dark matter. Time strings are the dark force. Gravity strings are the dark energy. The space strings, as dark matter, hold the contents of the universe in place by providing extra unseen mass and by flexing to keep everything in orbit and from bumping into each other more than usual by providing paths. The Time strings are the dark force which combines with the space string or dark matter which is the basis of Einstein’s Space - Time and Relativity Theory. The time string, as dark force, also keeps the universe expanding and balances the gravity string. The gravity strings, as dark energy, holds everything in place. We see gravity strings as gravity or inertia just before we get something to move, accelerate or change in some way. Time strings. as dark force, causes everything to move, accelerate or change in some way which we measure in terms of physical time.