Saturday, November 07, 2009

Theory Of Everything ( Again )

The following may be called different things at different times, but at its’ simplest the Universe is composed of:

1. Particles / Objects / Events / Messages.

2. Strings

3. Frames

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Theory Of Everything

The Theory Of Everything is really space / time in its’ various forms. If an object or a particle is at rest in space / time it deforms the space / time surrounding it creating a phenomena that we call gravity. If an object / particle vibrates, this action causes space / time to repeatedly flex which we call a frequency. If an object / particle travels it causes space / time to flex at a velocity which we see as a wave. If an object / particle accelerates which is really a change in the velocity we see it as a change in the wave which we call acceleration. Space / Time also has 9 as a unit of length which doesn’t contain anything until it exists / arrives at that location. Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity is simply different perspectives of a similar frame in space / time from various positions. We do the same thing when we interpret something happening in space / time. Since space / time seems to have a unit of length then it's logical that eventually we can discover how to travel in all directions in both space and time which would include forward and backwards.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


In the interests of full disclosure, I will start by saying that I’ve never made any significant money in the stock market which could not be duplicated by moving funds around in savings accounts / GIC’s and other instruments that are guaranteed to return something above the principle no matter what. With that said, I’ll now proceed to give some investment advice for you to mull over in your mind. Whether we like it or not, the universe is mathematically based on the number 2. The number 2 as a fraction is ½. The fraction ½ means that everything tends to even out over Time. Evening out over Time, which is the 4th dimension, means that while you and I may have different adventures in life, our lives tend to even out in terms of results. Some people may have horseshoes and some people may never get anything right, but about 68% of us end up in the middle of the old Bell Curve as average. The primary goal of investing is finding something that is above average. To start, stocks are broken out into different sectors such as financial for example. The theory behind these groupings is that while these groups average out like everything else, they tend to go up and down like a wave over time just like your and my life adventures. This behaviour is the basis of the next great invention called diversification. Diversification means that if one group of stocks is going into the toilet another group is climbing out of the toilet so spread your money over the sectors . Overall you will once again tend to average out over ½. The last great invention is Sector Rotation. If you are an all eggs in one basket sort of gal or guy and since nothing lasts over Time, Sector Rotation means that if your once hot sector is going down like the Titanic then find the lifeboat which is another sector. Now let’s suppose you find the right sector. Not all the stocks in that sector are going to make money. Once again about ½ on average. If the sector is hot its’ returns on average will be above average or once again above ½. The trend line which is all the stock increases together should have an upward trend line. The optimum trend line angle is 45 degrees which you will never meet but the closer the better. The first thing is to calculate the average returns for that sector. The next step is to find the sector stocks that are going up. This might sound silly but we live in a real world where we can only invest in concrete things. If we could afford to invest in all the stocks or some scheme which represents all the stocks we are going to average out at ½ faster over time. The next step is to find 3 stocks that are related in some concrete way beyond a sector relationship that are increasing since the universe tends to stabilize around the number 3. If you can find 9 stocks that are primarily related in groups of 3 that are trending up in terms of stock increases your sector is healthy over the immediate future. If you can’t find any bonded stocks in groups of 3’s the sector is starting to fail. The failing benchmark fractions in terms of stock price decreases are ¼ and 1/3rd . The positive benchmark fractions in terms of stock market increases are 2/3rd and ¾’s. If stock market increases start to double, this result will start to attract competitors for that company’s markets, since market product profitability is reflected eventually in stock prices.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Space / Time / Perception

Einstein said that physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In other words, space does not exist, but only the perception of space. This observation by Einstein is quite profound as it extends way beyond objects in space because it can be applied to what artists call perspective. If you look at a painting that has perspective you will swear up and down and sideways that you are looking into space because the space that your mind sees has been spatially extended but doesn’t physically exist. In other words, you can’t walk into that painting. Spatial extensions are also done with light and shadow. In general, perspective in painting is built by using triangles or combinations of triangles (squares / rectangles ) and light and shadow. In a more abstract sense, perspective is how you view the world. Here your perspective is generally based on life experiences / culture / beliefs. Your mind, after considering what you see, draws ( spatial ) conclusions. Once again space doesn’t exist.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yes, No, Maybe

Most of us, if asked, would probably say that the world is based on the number 2. We have the fraction ½. Most of algebra, which we can solve without going nuts, is based on a function of x ( f(x)) raised to the power of 2. Probability based on a gut feeling without facts is usually represented by ½. Most of us can remember 2 things without any problem. Rules are based on two choices ( 2 ) which are either you follow them or you don’t follow them. On the other hand most of us realize that nothing is 100%. Someone once said that the impossible does happen. One of the Impossibles is meeting a member of the opposite sex and following in love immediately. If a stranger immediately handed you a piece of paper and asked you to write down why you feel the way you do in concrete terms most of what you’d write would also apply to a friend of the opposite sex that you know you’d never marry in a million years because you don’t love them like you love this stranger in front of you. The worst thing is that for the first time in your life you realize that you have no control over it when this stranger is in front of you. If you turn into a klutz in front of this stranger then you’re in love. Most of us will try to regain our life by ignoring them but sooner or later you will realize that no one else matters like they did before you met this stranger. Sometimes we even try to studiously ignore them over time but sooner or later we realize that isn’t going to solve the problem. Worst of all if they crooked their finger at you, you’d be off with them like a shot abandoning all your principles. You have just been conked by a maybe. The universe is based on the number 3 and in this case the number 3 is (yes, no,) maybe. Maybe is the possible which has no attached facts or at least no facts until it happens to you. Most of us treat the fraction ½ as our maybe. Maybe has the fractions ¼, 1/3rd , ½ , 2/3rds and ¾’s associated with it. ¼, 1/3rd is the possibility it will never happen. 2/3rds and ¾’s is the possibility it will happen. ½ is the safe calculation that even outs over time.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Fuzzy Probability / Possibility

Probability is based on the real world and what may happen if something is related or unrelated. Possibility is based on the likelihood of something happening without any mathematical proof. Fuzzy Probability / Possibility is based on the maximum probability / possibility that two things may happen simultaneously which are unconnected minus the sureness of two things happening at once which are unconnected. Possibility is based on the maximum probability / possibility minus the sureness of something happening. Possibility is based on ¼, 1/3rd, ½, 2/3rds, 3/4ths without any facts. Fuzzy "or" is the maximum probability / possibility on a graph.

P (A or B) = p (a)+p (b)-(p (a)*p (b))

Probability is based on the real world and what may happen if something is related or unrelated. Possibility is based on the likelihood of something happening without any mathematical proof. Fuzzy Probability / Possibility is based on the maximum probability / possibility that two things may happen simultaneously which are connected minus the sureness of two things happening at once which are connected. Possibility is based on ¼, 1/3rd, ½, 2/3rds, 3/4ths without any facts. Fuzzy "and" is the minimum probability / possibility on a graph.

P(A and B) =((p(a)*p(b) - p(a)+p(b))

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I got thinking about war the other day. Most of us are competitive in nature but are constrained by the social mores of our society. Fortunately, most of us also live in the center of the old Bell Curve. Here we are reasonably competitive with each other without being downright unfriendly. Those on the extreme left of the Bell Curve have self esteem issues / are poor / are unfortunate which most of us try to help to the best of our ability and knowledge should we run across them. Those on the right of the Bell Curve are the more competitive people that accumulate more markers of success which we call money. These people become Titans Of Business / politicians / sports heroes which are the three main relatively safe competitive sports. On the extreme right of the old Bell Curve we have the near and outright dictators. Into this mix we add the uncertain future which comes to us in random events, consequences of decisions and perfect storms. Maturing dictatorships that have finally organized themselves are faced with trying to keep their people content without losing their power. Organizing people through fear and terror is relatively easy in principle but there comes a time that the usefulness of this approach has diminishing results so we have the problem of what to do next. In the old days before the invention of atomic weapons we simply started a war through design or miscalculated brinkmanship. Wars gave the people something to do and rallied them around the dictator / instigator. Wars used up excess capacity in the form of industrial goods and lowered unemployment as everyone went into the armed forces. WW1 is an excellent example of using up the capacity of the industrial revolution which needed markets. WW11 is an example of what to do with unemployment. The invention of atomic weapons meant that war could no longer be large scale. This development encouraged the invention of small scale armed insurgencies which weren’t worth atomic bombs. Beginning / developing dictatorships based on fear / terror / isolation have a natural tendency to believe their own propaganda because no one is prepared to risk death to tell the dictator that he / she’s courting disaster. Most dictators eventually become mesmerized by their own importance and start to push outside people / societies around. In the beginning most outside people / societies are willing to tolerate this behaviour in the hopes that it will go away. The dictator fed by his country’s accolades sees this accommodation as weakness and fear on the part of the outside people / societies. The dictator keeps pushing and pushing until finally the outside people / societies decide that the situation has to be permanently remedied no matter what. If this dictatorship has atomic weapons and if the outside people / societies don’t care about the consequences as long as the irritant is removed then ???? Today we have the perfect storm in the offing. World wide unemployment. Loss of success measured in units of money because of bailouts. North Korea with its’ atomic capacity / large army trying to gain respect in the only way it knows how. China with its’ need to maintain power yet let its’ people prosper because they know their society has matured. The United States as the good guys with its’ resources stretched and its’ beliefs / society being hammered externally and internally. The rest of us in the also ran category. Something has to give but where????

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Theory Of Everything

This universe is presently seen as events / particles / objects, strings and frames. Particles / objects are physical things that you and I can see, feel, and touch. Events are things that happen in our universe. Frames are concerned with Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity on a perspective basis where frames are either stationary or moving / changing relative to each other. Strings are the energy / force, time and space which we experience in various forms in our day to day activities. In the beginning, strings were tightly wound in a ball. The strings were energy, time, and space. Each ball was subject to all probabilities and possibilities. The balls in the mother universe frequently exploded into unwound super strings but remained in the mother universe. Eventually, before the Big Bang, one super ball of held strings hit the probability / possibility of leaving, creating our universe. The Big Bang, as seen by us, is the result of the super ball of held strings breaking apart into the three strings of energy, space and time. The rules of this universe weren’t settled instantaneously so the three strings of energy, space and time expanded under simultaneous possibility and probability according to the rules of the universe the super ball just left. After things started to settle down relatively, the strings started to release events / particles / objects which we see under various names and processes today. Residual strings still exist today, but because of our development of language we call them different things thus obscuring their origins. With the creation of events / particles / objects from strings we developed the habit of associating events / particles / objects with forces which are really energy strings by other names due to language / our effort to understand our environment. The forces are seen by us to have different strengths because our knowledge of energy strings isn’t complete. Today we also have Dark Matter / Dark Energy which may well be a remnant of our mother universe appearing in our universe due to the violent nature of this universe’s creation. Time strings in our universe basically move outward carrying everything with it. Space strings basically bend and flex which we explain in terms of The Theory Of Relativity. Energy strings release events / particles and objects which we see in various forms. Each event / particle / object has a string associated with it which we call different things. Mathematics is concerned with particles / objects which are both known and unknown. Strings can flex and bend which we see in the study of Geometry / Trigonometry. Calculus is associated with change which is basically an offshoot of The Theory Of Relativity. Lastly strings appear in string mathematics which is a new discovery and seems to be related to Primes and other interesting stuff which I don’t quite understand except to say it’s exciting.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

After Relativity - What???

The universe consists of particles / objects / events, strings, and frames. Physics first recognized particles / objects / events when it explained the universe in terms of mechanics. The discovery of electricity brought in the discussion of fields but this was a branch of particles / objects / events. Einstein advanced physics in his discussion of relativity which involved particles / objects / events in frames and how particles which are really you and me and how we related to objects / events in a frame and how we related to objects / events outside a frame when the frames were stationary and moving relative to each other, hence the Theory Of Relativity. The third leg of the stool is strings. Strings are all over the place. In religion, we speak of God knowing all and being everywhere at once. One infinitely long and wide string holding everything together. I believe God exists simply because this universe is too complicated to have happened randomly even though we have evolution now. Your and my life is basically concerned with fitting things together either physically or mentally. This is building strings. We are concerned with building partnerships / finding love / building careers which is really building strings by another name. We speak of finding the path to success which is strings again. Chemistry is mostly about bonds which are strings again. Light is both a particle or a wave. A wave is a vibrating string. String operating vertically is gravity. String operating horizontally is time. String which is stretchable and curves is space. If a string has frequency it has a property which we see as objects / particles / characteristics such as charisma and likeability. If a string stretches or shrinks it changes its’ frequency which we see as red and blue shifts. If a string is accelerating we see it as a dark matter force. If a string has a velocity we experience it as dark matter energy. Occasionally, strings will form a particle / object with a tail. That particle / object vibrates at a frequency which we see as life / characteristics. The vibrating particle / object gives off energy which affects its’ surroundings. This effect is charisma. A string can also be a physical particle / object building or an event which happens out of the blue. A string can form frames which we see as dimensions including time. A string can form dimensions which we can’t see but can experience in the form of quantum effects when strings as objects appear out of nowhere and leave trails which are characteristic of a particle / object. The same equivalent effect occurs in our dimension when someone leaves a mess or an particle / object collapses. String as time can also stretch or curve on a random basis. We experience stretched string time as a hardship as in waiting for someone or as a task which is annoying. Curved string time is experienced by us as something pleasant which is far too short. Strings are the third leg of the stool. Hence, The Theory Of Strings.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Strings, Dark Matter &Physics

Early physics concerned itself with mechanical movement and what things did when they bumped into or were influenced by each other because physics only saw particles / objects and events. With the discovery of electricity and our development of radio and TV, physics started to explain things in terms of fields, since fields radiated information which we saw as words, ideas, and pictures. Einstein appeared and started to discuss physics in terms of enclosures or frames and how we saw things if we were the occupants of those frames or enclosures. He also discussed frames in relationship to each other when they had velocity, accelerated or when their velocity reached the speed of light. Physics started to be applied to everything and astronomers were the first to notice that the movement of the galaxies and their contents couldn’t be totally explained by matter we could eyeball. This matter was called dark and it still remains a mystery. Here’s a possible answer from string theory. In our everyday world, we experience gravity, space and time. Suppose for the sake of argument, gravity, space, and time were actually strings. In our world, we do not see gravity, space and time as strings because our sight doesn’t have that acuity. If strings were the basis of dark matter, gravity would be an energy string, space a matter string and time a force string. Our physical limitations as a particle / object allows us to experience gravity as something that keeps us in place which is a form of energy. We apply energy to things and convert it, which is really the horizontal application of gravity to allow us to move. We do not experience space as matter because we can’t see space except as something abstract. If we could eyeball space we would see it as a string of dark matter which flexes and curls. Einstein had a hint of strings when he talked of space curving, light following a curve, and plant orbits. Time is a string of dark force. Our closest sensation of time as a dark force is its’ ability to move everything outward in a forward direction.

In short physics had 4 phases:





The 3 primary ones are:




Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Universe

The universe consists of particles / objects and events which we experience in everyday living. We are the particles. The objects are the physical things that we see every day. The events are the things that happen to us good or bad. Behind us, holding things together, are the strings, dark matter, dark energy and dark force. The strings are gravity, space, and time. Space strings are the dark matter. Time strings are the dark force. Gravity strings are the dark energy. The space strings, as dark matter, hold the contents of the universe in place by providing extra unseen mass and by flexing to keep everything in orbit and from bumping into each other more than usual by providing paths. The Time strings are the dark force which combines with the space string or dark matter which is the basis of Einstein’s Space - Time and Relativity Theory. The time string, as dark force, also keeps the universe expanding and balances the gravity string. The gravity strings, as dark energy, holds everything in place. We see gravity strings as gravity or inertia just before we get something to move, accelerate or change in some way. Time strings. as dark force, causes everything to move, accelerate or change in some way which we measure in terms of physical time.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Flexing Time, Space & Gravity Strings

The universe consists of particles / objects, strings, and frames. Gravity, space, and time are all strings in our universe. If we could flex strings a lot of interesting things would happen. If we could flex gravity, space, and time strings we could travel in Black Holes since there would be no danger of our being injured short of a power failure. If you flexed gravity strings, you could travel indefinitely since gravity would never slow you down. If you developed a gravity engine which could focus on gravity strings using them for power you could accelerate indefinitely. If you could flex space, time, gravity strings at the same time as using the gravity engine you could accelerate indefinitely into other dimensons as space and time would have no effect on us as we traveled. The ability to flex time strings is the most fascinating. You could travel back and forth in time which brings up a perennial question. Can you can alter your existence by changing the past or as they like to say killing your ancestors??? I see it as three possibilities.

They are:

If you return to the past, everything you see and everyone you meet is a an abstraction of their existence in their own frame at that former time and that existence or frame can be seen but not altered because it’s no longer in your dimension or frame of existence.

If you return to the past and wipe it out, you also wipe out yourself, as you are the future of that existence.

If you wipe out the past, you can’t return to your specific future, as you have also destroyed the future time lines emanating from that past.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Time Travel

The universe consists of particles / objects, strings, and frames. Gravity, Space, and Time are all strings in our universe. If you want to travel through gravity, space, time you have to learn how to flex the strings so you can pass between them. Theoretically, if you could flex gravity strings you could pass through a Black Hole without injury or travel through the universe just by gravity alone as a power source. If you could flex space strings, you could travel into other dimensions. Flexing time strings means that you can travel back and forth in time. This raises the question of whether or not you can alter your existence by changing the past or as we like to say killing your ancestors. The past you are seeing in Time is the residual existence of your ancestors which no longer exist in your reality. It would be similar to viewing a 4 dimensional movie in our present day reality or living in the Holodeck of the Star Trek’s Enterprise . If you went into the future, you’d be in a random likelihood which may or may not happen in the future. There is a possibility that you could see yourself in the future but you couldn’t alter it as the future is only a possible expression of a reality which may or may not exist when your future arrives.

Friday, January 23, 2009


The universe consists of particles / objects, strings, and frames. Strings are the most interesting at the moment. String operating vertically is gravity. String operating horizontally is time. String which is stretchable and curves is space. If a string has frequency it has a property which we see as objects / particles / characteristics such as charisma and likeability. If a string stretches or shrinks it changes its’ frequency which we see as red and blue shifts. If a string is accelerating we see it as a dark matter force. If a string has a velocity we experience it as dark matter energy. Occasionally, strings will form a particle / object with a tail. That particle / object vibrates at a frequency which we see as life / characteristics. The vibrating particle / object gives off energy which affects its’ surroundings. This effect is charisma. A string can also be a physical particle / object building or an event which happens out of the blue. A string can form frames which we see as dimensions including time. A string can form dimensions which we can’t see but can experience in the form of quantum effects when strings as objects appear out of nowhere and leave trails which are characteristic of a particle / object. An object / particle with its’ string moving through space / time distorts space / time which we physically see as orbits / paths or in time as events. The same equivalent effect occurs in our dimension when someone leaves a mess or an particle / object collapses. String as time can also stretch or curve on a random basis. We experience stretched string time as a hardship as in waiting for someone or as a task which is annoying. Curved string time is experienced by us as something pleasant which is far too short. At the moment of the Big Bang, it took time for the rules / laws of the creating universe to change into the rules / laws of the created universe and during that interval the dark matter strings stretched causing effects which we can’t explain in 4 dimensional terms. A string has the same characteristics / effects along its’ entire length which we can’t explain in terms of our 4 dimensional existence in terms of our 4 dimensional equations. Thus gravity, space and time are throughout the universe.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Location Of Primes

If you look at a table of Prime Numbers, you will notice that they aren’t evenly spaced which raises the question of how many primes precede any arbitrarily selected number. On the other hand, if you look at a table of prime numbers they seem to follow a pattern. You will also notice that the prime numbers get rarer, as you look at higher and higher numbers. Most formulas that have been developed to find the location of any prime number seem to be a hit and miss affair because the prime numbers aren’t evenly spaced. George Riemann, who formulated the Riemann Hypothesis, found that his formula produced the occasional zero as an answer which he hypothesized lay on the line ( y = ½ ). So far, calculating on an individual basis, it has been found that over a billion zeros using Riemann’s formula lie on this line but since Riemann hypothesized all zeros the search goes on. So far, no one has developed a proof that definitely establishes all zeros lie on the line ( y = ½ ). Here’s a way of resolving the conundrum concerning Riemann’s zeros (0’s) using the concept of strings. If we add the digits of any number (N) like ( 7919 ), for example, we get a total ( 7 + 9 + 1 + 9 = 26 ) which represents its’ string ( 26 ) or line ( y = 26 ). If we continue the addition of the digits ( 26 ) we get ( 2 + 6 = 8 ) or a line ( y = 8 ) for number ( 7919 ). Riemann had the idea that when his equation produced a zero (0) in the calculation, that zero for non- trivial numbers was on the line ( y = ½ ). Working in reverse, we can take any arbitrary line ( y = k ), with ( k = ( 0 to 9 )), because all numbers ( N ) sum to a number from ( 0 to 9 ) as one digit. Any line ( y = k ) can contain an infinite number of numbers, since zero ( 0 ) does not change the value of ( y = k ). For instance, if ( y = 2 ), it can hold the numbers ( 2, 11, 101, 110, etc. ) since the total digits do not exceed (2). It can readily be seen that all zeros lie on the line ( y = k ) no matter what the value of k whether it be one digit or multiple digits and thus Riemann was correct when he said all zeros lie on the line ( y = ½ ), since ( y = ½ ) is the reciprocal of ( y = 2 ) and contains the numbers ( ½, 1/11, 1/101, 1/110, etc.. The same conclusion can be applied to any arbitrary line ( y = k ) or ( y = 1/k ) for values of k from ( zero (0) to infinity ) of any number (N) which has an infinite number of digits (D) If Riemann had changed his formula to produce zeros ( 0’s ) for other non-trivial values for other lines ( y = k ) or ( y = 1/k ) he would have ended up hypothesizing that all zeros ( 0’s ) also lie on these lines. There is also the suggestion that the line ( y = ½ ) has a relationship to a formula for locating the position of any prime / number of primes preceding that particular prime. If ( y = 2 ), then the line ( y = 2 ) contains the numbers (2, 11, 101, 1001, 10001, 100001, etc.) since the sum of the digits does not exceed 2. If ( y = ½ ), then the line ( y = ½ ) contains the numbers ( ½, 1/11, 1/101, 1/1001, 1/10001, 1/100001, etc. ) since the sum of the digits does not exceed ½ and ½ is the reciprocal of 2 or ( y = 2 ) . Raise each number ( ½, 1/11, 1/101, 1/1001, 1/10001, 1/100001, etc. ) to the power of 2. Sum the numbers which have a limit of (0.258363501). The square root of (0.258363501) is (0.508294698). Similarly, If ( y = ½ ), then the line ( y = ½ ) contains the numbers ( ½, 1/11, 1/110, 1/1100, 1/11000, 1/110000, etc. ) since the sum of the digits does not exceed ½ and ½ is the reciprocal of 2 or ( y = 2 ) . Raise each number ( ½, 1/11, 1/110, 1/1100, 1/11000, 1/110000, etc. ) to the power of 2. Sum the numbers which have a limit of (0.258347942). The square root of (0.258347942) is (0.508279394). The important number is (.508) to 3 figures. The calculation of the location of any prime probably involves the adding of zeros (0’s) to the middle of (.508) to equal the number of digits in the probable prime after 3 digits. For instance ( 7919 has 4 digits so therefore extend ( .508 ) to ( .5008 )) by adding 1 zero to the middle and then raising (.5008) to the power equal to one less than the digit in the probable prime ending in ( 1, 3, 7, 9 ).

The general approach is the following:

Extend ( .508) to equal the number of digits in the probable prime starting after 3 digits and then raise ( .508 extended ) to a power equal to the number of digits in the probable prime minus 1. For instance ( 7919 ) contains 4 digits so extend ( .508 ) to 4 digits by adding zero (0) to the middle ( .5008 ). (7919) has 4 digits, so raise ( .5008 ) to the power of 3 ( 4 digits - 1 = 3 ). ( .5008 ^ 3 = .12560096 ) Multiply ( 7919 X .12560096 ) which equals ( 994.6340063 ). 7919 is the 1000th prime which means this method is approximately 5 short of 1000. The same method can be used using ( ½ or .5 ) but the answer is less accurate (7919 X (.5^3) = 989.875) which is ( 10.125 ) short of 1000 ( 7919 is the 1000th prime).

For numbers, 3 digits or under, such as ( 97 ) multiply ( 97 X (.508^2)) which equals approximately 25. As a matter of interest ( 97 ) is the 26th prime.

For 1 digit numbers multiply by ( .508 ).

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Riemann Hypothesis Resolved Using Strings

If you look at a table of Prime Numbers, you will notice that they aren’t evenly spaced which raises the question of how many primes precede any arbitrarily selected number. On the other hand, if you look at a table of prime numbers they seem to follow a pattern. You will also notice that the prime numbers get rarer, as you look at higher and higher numbers. Most formulas that have been developed to find the location of any prime number seem to be a hit and miss affair because the prime numbers aren’t evenly spaced. George Riemann, who formulated the Riemann Hypothesis, found that his formula produced the occasional zero as an answer which he hypothesized lay on the line ( y = ½ ). So far, calculating on an individual basis, it has been found that over a billion zeros using Riemann’s formula lie on this line but since Riemann hypothesized all zeros the search goes on. So far, no one has developed a proof that definitely establishes all zeros lie on the line ( y = ½ ). Here’s a way, of resolving the conundrum concerning Riemann’s zeros (0’s) using the concept of strings. If we add the digits of any number (N) like ( 7919 ), for example, we get a total ( 7 + 9 + 1 + 9 = 26 ) which represents its’ string ( 26 ) or line ( y = 26 ). If we continue the addition of the digits ( 26 ) we get ( 2 + 6 = 8 ) or a line ( y = 8 ) for number ( 7919 ). Riemann had the idea that when his equation produced a zero (0) in the calculation, that zero for non- trivial numbers was on the line ( y = ½ ). Working in reverse, we can take any arbitrary line ( y = k ), with ( k = ( 0 to 9 )), because all numbers ( N ) sum to a number from ( 0 to 9 ) as one digit. Any line ( y = k ) can have an infinite number of numbers, since zero ( 0 ) does not change the value of ( y = k ). For instance, if ( y = 2 ), it can hold the numbers ( 11, 101, 110, etc. ) since the total digits do not exceed (2). It can readily be seen that all zeros line on the line ( y = k ) no matter what the value of k whether it be one digit or multiple digits and thus Riemann was correct when he said all zeros lie on the line ( y = ½ ), since ( y = ½ ) is the reciprocal of ( y = 2 ) and contains the numbers ( 1/11, 1/101, 1/110, etc.. The same conclusion can be applied to any arbitrary line ( y = k ) or ( y = 1/k ) for values of k from ( zero (0) to infinity ) of any number (N) which has an infinite number of digits (D) If Riemann had changed his formula to produce zeros ( 0’s ) for other non-trivial values for lines ( y = k ) or ( y = 1/k ) he would have ended up hypothesizing that all zeros ( 0’s ) also lie on these lines.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Theory Of Everything

This universe is organized into particles / objects, strings and frames. Particles / objects are physical things that you and I can see and touch. Frames are concerned with the Theory Of Relativity when frames are either stationary or moving / changing relative to each other. Strings are the forces, time and space which we experience in various forms in our day to day activities. Strings functioning as gravity are slightly different because the strings also keep other dimensions in place which we can’t see / experience. This means that strings functioning as gravity are substantially weaker when compared to strings functioning as forces, time and space confined to our dimensions. Each particle / object which includes us and mathematics have an associated string. If we are stationary, our string tends to hold us in place and this holding in place we call gravity. If we start to move, our string starts to change from a primarily gravity function to one giving us a path / energy to travel. The faster we travel up to the speed of light, the more we convert from a particle / object into a string. At the speed of light we become a complete string. Velocity in terms of our string is the uniform change in the position of our string. Acceleration in terms of our string is the increasing / decreasing changes in the position of our string . The space in which we travel is made up of layered strings which we experience as a sheet of space. The forces which we experience on ourselves or apply to others is really the vibrations of our personal strings or the vibrations of our personal strings on others. Events which we experience are caused by our strings disturbing strings of space and time which we may see as beneficial happenings or not so beneficial happenings. The vibrations of strings are seen by us as properties of particles / objects which define them and allow us to interact with particles / objects in different ways. Chemistry and metallurgy is an example of the use of vibrating strings to create other particles / objects through bonds which are strings by another name. Strings on a nuclear basis are the strong and weak nuclear forces. If a particle / object moves through string space, the particle / objects strings tend to pull string space out of alignment causing string space to warp which we experience as orbits or paths. The vibration of strings also cause other strings to vibrate which we call fields. Electromagnetism, radiation and communication are examples of controlled or uncontrolled string vibrations to convey benefits, havoc or information. Since strings are also time and space, everything everywhere is instantaneous in time and distance although we, as particles / objects don’t experience it that way due to the delay in translating strings into reality we can experience.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Largest Prime Number

If you want to wile away an afternoon, try finding the largest prime number. For those that may have forgotten, a prime number is a number that is only evenly divisible by itself and 1. This definition eliminates all the even numbers that are evenly divisible by 2, leaving the odd numbers. The usual method of finding a prime number is to multiply 2 umpteen dozen times by itself and then subtracting 1 from that number, thereby creating an odd number (( 2 X 2 = 4), ( 4 - 1 = 3 )). You then take that odd number ( 3 ) and see if you can find a previous whole number up to 3, ( 1, 2, ) which will divide into it evenly leaving no remainder. There is a faster method. Numbers are written into a series of columns. Number 13 has 3 in column 0 and 1 in column 1. You will soon realize that any larger number can be easily created by adding another column For instance 3, 13, 213 etc.. It can also be seen that the total number of numbers is infinite because you just keep putting a number from 0 to 9 inclusive in the column to the left of a filled column.

Here are some rules:

A prime number, if it is a prime number , ends in 1, 3 , 7, 9 in column 0 ( far right column ). For instance 11, 13, 17, 19 are all prime numbers.

Any number whose digits, except for number 3, adds to 3 or an even multiple of 3 isn’t a prime number. For instance 39 isn’t a prime number because its’ digits ( 3 and 9 ) total 12 ( 3 + 9 = 12 ). ( 12/ 3 = 4 ).

A number, not a prime number, ending in 1, 3, 7, 9 in column 0 ( far right column ) is only evenly divisible by a number ending in 1, 3, 7, 9 in column 0 ( far right column ). For instance 39 is evenly divisible by 3 and 13 ( 3 X 13 = 39 ).